Atwood Grill Guidelines
Helpful Documents
Groups failing to cancel a grill reservation at least one week in advance will receive a warning after the first infraction and a $25 penalty for each time thereafter. To cancel a reservation, stop in the scheduling office (Atwood 134) or call (320) 308-2905 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Frequent last-minute cancellations or non-use of reserved facilities will affect a group's ability to make future reservations and may result in a fee.
Prior to Event
- Reserve Space - Select your fundraising date and reserve the grilling area on the Atwood Mall using the campus scheduling system (EMS). For grilling-related inquiries, contact Lisa Johnson in the Administration Office (Room 134) at Atwood, or by phone at (320) 308-2074.
- Order Food and Supplies - All food and supplies for student organization grilling events must be ordered through campus catering services, Huskies Dining. The Catering staff can be reached at (320) 308-4295. A Catering Expense Authorization Form is required to ensure the organization has the necessary approval for fund use. The pricing sheet is also attached.
- Recruit and Schedule Volunteers - Ensure you have enough volunteers to cook, assemble, serve, and handle money throughout your event. Volunteers who handle money should not be the same as those cooking; these duties must be separated to ensure safety during the event.
Day of Event
Pick Up and Set Up Instructions
- Food, Beverages, Supplies, and Grill Kit (including utensils) - These items should be picked up at the kitchen located in Atwood Memorial Center (AMC), Room 131. A mobile food cart, refrigeration unit, and hand washing station will be ready for transport to the grilling area. You will need to complete and sign the Huskies Dining Pick Up/Return sheet with the Catering staff (a copy is attached in the packet).
- The Beverage Cooler and Cash Box - The beverage cooler can be picked up from the Atwood Administration office, Room 134. Ice for the cooler should be obtained from Huskies Dining. The cash box should be obtained at the Atwood Information Desk.
- Set Up and Starting the Grill
- The refrigeration unit should be plugged in to keep the meat cold. Uncooked meat should be moved directly from the refrigeration unit to the grill.
- The money handling and customer service area should be set up on the front counter facing Stewart Hall. No food preparation should be conducted at this counter.
- The gas line and grill need to be turned on by an Atwood building staff member when you’re ready to begin cooking. The grill cover should be stored under the front counter.
- The drain plug on the beverage cooler should be left open to allow the ice melt to drain freely.
- Review and follow all safe food prep, handling, and storage practices outlined below.
Required Safe Food Handling and Preparation
Safe and careful handling of raw meats and poultry is critical to prevent harmful bacteria from multiplying and contaminating other foods. It is extremely important to reach proper temperatures during cooking to destroy harmful bacteria. Follow these practices:
- Hand Washing - Hands must be thoroughly washed using the provided hand washing station before starting work and when returning to the food preparation area. Wash hands as often as necessary to keep them clean: after handling raw meat or vegetables, after using the restroom, after coughing, sneezing, or using a tissue or tobacco product, after drinking or eating, and after touching skin or handling soiled items. Gloves should also be worn when preparing, assembling, and serving food to ensure clean hands.
- Preventing Cross Contamination
- Use only clean, sanitized food containers, surfaces, and utensils.
- If a utensil is dropped, return it to Atwood for cleaning and use a backup utensil.
- Never use the same utensils or containers for handling raw meat and ready-to-eat foods (e.g., hamburger buns, cooked foods, etc.). Never touch raw foods and ready-to-eat foods with the same utensils.
- Never touch ready-to-eat foods with bare hands. Use gloves.
- Provide single-use, disposable containers and utensils to customers. Never reuse disposables.
- Keep bare hands away from food contact surfaces like the lips of cups, plates, etc. Use gloves.
- Food Preparation and Cooking - A thermometer is provided. Time and temperature requirements must be met to ensure safe food.
- Cook Foods Thoroughly - Keep raw meats on ice or refrigerated until ready to cook on the grill. Hamburgers and pork must be cooked to 155-160°F until juices run clear and are no longer pink; poultry must be cooked to 165°F; and reheating food must be cooked to 165°F. Use a separate utensil to place meat on buns or plates after cooking.
- Holding Hot Foods - Hot foods must be kept at 140°F and should not be held for more than two hours.
- Holding Cold Foods - Cold foods must be kept at 40°F or less.
- Discard any hot or cold foods after 4 hours if held between 40°F and 140°F.
Money Handling
The safest practice is for separate individuals to handle the money and the food. If an individual does both, hands should ALWAYS be washed in the approved hand washing station with soap and disposable paper towels to dry, in between duties.
Safe Food Storage During the Event
- Raw meat must be stored separately from foods that are ready to eat. It should be kept in the supplied refrigeration unit at 40°F or less when not being cooked on the grill. If using an insulated cooler, keep the cover closed as much as possible and frequently check the thermometer to ensure the meat stays at 40°F or less.
- All food, utensils, and food packaging/serve items must be stored at least 6 inches off the floor/ground in clean, washable containers until needed.
- Chilled beverages must be kept in an insulated cooler with ice or ice packs, and the cooler’s drain must remain open to allow melting liquid to drain into a catch basin.
- Prepackaged foods should not be stored in direct contact with water or ice.
- Cover and protect exposed food items when not being prepared, assembled, or served.
Clean Up and Return of Supplies, Equipment, and Non-Perishable Items
- Grill Shutdown - Contact an Atwood building staff member to ensure proper shutdown of the grill and gas line. The cover should be replaced when the grill is cleaned and cool.
- Clean Up - Use the provided equipment and supplies to clean the grill surface, service counters, and coolers/refrigeration unit. Huskies Dining will take care of washing and sanitizing the utensils when the grill kit is returned.
- Return and/or Storage of Items
- For a 1-Day Event - All leftover food and beverage products must be removed and not returned to Atwood or Catering. All other unopened supplies, carts, refrigeration units, etc., should be returned to the Catering Office (Room 127) and the Atwood Administration Office (Room 134). Complete and sign the Huskies Dining Pick Up/Return sheet with the Catering staff (a copy is attached in the packet).
- For a Multiple-Day Event - At the end of each day, follow the return steps above, except the beverage cooler with remaining unopened beverages can be stored in the walk-in refrigeration unit at Outtakes until starting the next day's activities. Uncooked meat kept in the mobile refrigerated unit can be stored for the next day's activities, as long as the unit is powered and kept at the proper temperature in the c-store. If not, discard the uncooked meat. A storage form must be completed with the Catering staff.
- It is the group’s responsibility to pick up any leftovers (not for resale) within 2 days of the event. Otherwise, Huskies Dining will dispose of the items.
After Event (financial close)
- Revenue Deposit Instructions - Review and use the Minnesota Food Sales Tax reference sheet and the Food Sale Fundraiser Sales Tax Worksheet (copies are attached in the packet). Take your revenue and the completed worksheet to the Business Services office in AS 123 for proper deposit. This should be completed as soon as possible after the event, preferably on the same day.
- Ensure Dining Invoice is Paid - When your organization receives the emailed invoice for food items and supplies, work with your advisor to promptly process a 1400 form to pay Dining Services for their product and service.
- Gas Chargeback - Atwood Memorial Center will process an internal chargeback for the cost of gas used to power the grill.