Power in Diversity Leadership Conference - Multicultural Student Services

Diversity Job Fair

Friday, January 31, 2020
1:00pm - 4:00pm
Atwood Memorial Center, 2nd floor

Attend the number one college diversity job fair in Minnesota. Connect with employers seeking to recruit a diverse work force. Explore your career options. Find internship and full time employment opportunities. Don’t miss this chance to meet many of Minnesota’s largest business, technical, healthcare, government and human service employers.

The Diversity Job and Internship Fair offers students attending the Power in Diversity conference a unique opportunity to connect with many of Minnesota’s top collegiate employers. We are especially pleased to be offering this event to you at a time when students are still facing a very challenging job market.

It is critical that you take advantage of this chance to meet “face-to-face” with as many employers as possible. We hear from students and alumni all the time about how they have applied online for many jobs and “never hear back” from the employer. The reality is that employers have literally thousands of resumes on file and so if all you do is apply online, the chances of your resume being read by anyone is extremely slim.

This is why you need to introduce yourself to the employers at the Diversity Job and Internship Fair. This is not only your opportunity to explore job and internship openings but also to get your resume into the hands of recruit­ers, tell them a bit about yourself, and let them know you are interested in their positions. Below are a few tips to help you “stand out from the crowd!”

  • VISIT AS MANY BOOTHS AS POSSIBLE: Employers are at the Fair to promote their organization and opportunities. The more booths you visit, the more opportunities you will find. Tell them about your back­ground and interests and ask them what opportunities they have that fit you. Practice your introduction! Ask for business cards so you can follow up with the employers you meet.
  • IF THEY’RE NOT CURRENTLY HIRING: Find out when they anticipate having openings and follow-up! If they don’t know, ask if they will accept your resume now and follow up with them once a month.
  • IF APPLICATIONS ARE ONLY ACCEPTED ONLINE: Don’t be distressed if many employers tell you they are not accepting resumes at the Fair – this is very common. Take advantage of the fact that you are there, don’t just walk away from the table. Describe your qualifications and find out about positions which fit your background. This is your chance to promote yourself as well as explore opportunities.

Questions to ask for the 2016 Power in Diversity Leadership Conference Diversity Job and Internship Fair (PDF)

Great Strategy for Companies Who Tell You To Apply Online

  • Find out as much as you can about the qualifications for the positions that interest you.
  • Ask the recruiter who should contact to get more information on the job if you have questions.
  • Get a business card from the employer you spoke to.
  • After the Job Fair, (ASAP), tweak your resume to match the skills/qualifications sought.
  • Submit your resume online within a day or two of the job fair.
  • As soon as you post your resume online, email the employer to let them know you have applied.

After The Fair

  • SEND THANK YOU NOTES: Sending thank you cards or emails to each employer with whom you met is a must. Just a couple of lines thanking them for taking the time to talk to you and reiterating your interest is all it takes. Emailing companies you did not get a chance to visit with is also recommended.
  • FOLLOW-UP, FOLLOW-UP, FOLLOW-UP! If a company said they would be in touch within two weeks, follow-up if you don’t hear by then. If a company told you to apply online, do so and then send an email to the person you spoke to at the fair letting them know you have applied. If a company said they weren’t currently hiring, follow-up with them at least once a month. Many candidates get interviews and job offers months after the fair because they follow-up and keep in touch.

Diversity Job and Internship Fair Sponsors

Career Center, Multicultural Student Services, American Indian Center, LGBT Re­source Center and Student Accessibility Services.


To see a list of previous employers and other information about internships, visit the Career Center.

For more information about registering to be a part of the Diversity Job and Internship Fair, please contact Andy Ditlevson at (320) 308-2151 or apditlevson@stcloudstate.edu