College of Science and Engineering

Statistical Consulting & Research Center

The Statistical Consulting & Research Center is operated by the College of Science and Engineering at St. Cloud State University. Our goal is to provide high quality statistical research and data analytics support to individuals, groups, and organizations.

Information for Students

If you are looking for help in drawing on the power of statistics to support your research, turn to the staff of the Statistical Consulting & Research Center in St. Cloud State University's Integrated Science and Engineering Laboratory Facility (ISELF). This free service is available to graduate and undergraduate students, faculty members and staff.

Staff members in Statistical Consulting & Research Support, a service offered by the College of Science and Engineering and located in ISELF 228, enjoy statistics. These people will help you design a survey to collect the information you need, and will do the computer work for you. You make the research decisions. They do the computer work.

What to Expect

Visit the Statistical Consulting & Research Support office (ISELF 228) before you design and write your survey. Staff members will help focus your research and help develop an effective method for finding answers.

After completing your survey bring the completed forms, and your data to the Statistical Consulting Office. Please make an appointment first.

Based upon your discussion in the survey planning process and on the questions you want answered, the staff will design a series of computer programs to analyze your data. They even do the data entry for you! This step can take up two weeks. The size of your project and the work the staff has scheduled before yours arrives will influence how long you have to wait for results.

The staff will run your data, analyze, and assemble the results.

When completed you can return to the office to have the results explained. They will help you to interpret your results.

You have the opportunity to return to discuss drawing further information from your data. The staff will perform follow-up analysis upon your request.

Staff can also help you develop web-based surveys using our licensed SurveyMonkey application. They have experience in creating online surveys and will help you draw upon the unique aspects of this growing information-gathering process.

Outreach and Presentations

Invite a Statistical Consulting & Research Support staff member to a department meeting. They will explain their services, how they work with clients, and how they can be of help to your department members' research. SCRS staff are willing to make classroom presentations related to online surveys or graduate level research.

Data Entry Services

The Statistical Center supports faculty and student research by providing statistical software and data entry service. Some of the tools available include:

Statistical software including:

  • Minitab
  • SHAZAM Time Series
  • SAS (on limited basis)

These tools are available on the various computer systems located at St. Cloud State University or other systems located within the Minnesota State system.

Information for Businesses

if you are looking for help in drawing on the power of data analytics and statistics to support your research, turn to the Statistical Consulting & Research Center located in St. Cloud State University's Integrated Science & Engineering Laboratory Facility (ISELF). The team in the SCRC thrive on data analytics and statistics. We have doctoral and master's degree level members in our office who enjoy programming, planning surveys, and helping people use the power of computers to reveal patterns in numbers. We can help you with research design, data collection, uni-variate and multi variate statistical analysis, data visualization, custom data bases and much more.


The Statistical Consulting & Research Center provides services for individuals, businesses, and organizations in our community. Services available through our center include:

  • Survey Creation/Design
  • Data collection
  • Data Entry
  • Data visualization
  • Data analytics
  • Experimental design
  • Survival analysis
  • Big data analytics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Data bases
  • Spatial modeling
  • Workshops on various statistical methodology and software use
  • Statistical analysis:
    • basic descriptive analyses
    • cross tabulations
    • analysis of variance
    • factor analyses
    • cluster analyses
    • multivariate analyses of variance
    • multiple regressions
    • logistic regressions
    • non-parametric statistics

Statistical Software:

  • SPSS
  • Minitab
  • R Stats
  • Excel
  • Survey Monkey
  • Viking


The SCRC serves a variety of clients, whether you are a student, faculty, or staff from St. Cloud State University or an outside client from another university, organization or company; we are happy to help.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality

The Statistical Consulting & Research Center at St. Cloud State University understands and respects our client’s privacy and confidentiality. We will never share your project, data or contact information with anyone. We are dedicated to maintaining a professional relationship, which fosters trust and respect with our clients. We pride ourselves on maintaining integrity as we work with clients to handle confidential and sensitive data and projects.


On Campus: 

General consultation is provided to St. Cloud State faculty and students (subject to availability) free of charge for projects and research.

Off Campus:

An initial consultation is free for external clients. If additional help is requested from the center, there is an hourly charge.

Costs table

Type of Client


St. Cloud State Student


St. Cloud State Staff / Faculty


Non-St. Cloud State Individual

$75 per hour


$150 per hour

Acknowledgement and Co-authorship
The SCRC should be acknowledged in any paper or presentation for which we have provided assistance. Please note that when the SCRC provides a significant contribution, it is expected that consultants will be listed as co-authors on journal publications or paper presentations.   

Contact Information

Statistical Consulting & Research Support
ISELF Building, Room 228
Phone: 320-308-4709

Office hours are posted outside ISELF 228. Generally, staff are available 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Friday.