Emergency Preparedness


A building evacuation will be initiated by the audible/visual fire alarm  system or by verbal instruction in each building. Employees are responsible for being familiar with evacuation routes (generally routes used during campus fire drills).

General evacuation guidelines:

  • If an alarm is sounding do not pull the fire alarm.
  • Follow evacuation instruction for your area.
  • Everyone is required to get out!.
  • Close all doors when exiting.
  • If time allows, take personal belongings and class materials with you.
  • Walk in an orderly manner, forming evacuation lines. Bring students and visitors with you.
  • Take nearest stairs to first floor and exit the buildings. DO NOT use elevators.
  • Assist others who need help.
  • Report to an assembly area and remain there until you receive further instructions from emergency personnel.
  • Account for all persons known to have been in your area at the time of the evacuation..
  • Give those who have been carried as much room as needed.
  • Do not re-enter the building until advised by emergency personnel to do so.

Evacuation guidelines for individuals with mobility, hearing, or visual disabilities:

  • These individuals may choose to wait at an area of rescue in the nearest stairwell.
  • They are encouraged to call 911 and 320-308-3333 to identify their current location until emergency responders arrive to assist them.