Employment Procedures
MSUAASF (Fixed-Term, Temporary Position)
A fixed-term appointment is for a limited period of time, normally 12 months or less. The President may extend it for an additional 12 months. The responsible supervisor should seek qualified individuals for such opportunity.
ALWAYS begin with creating a PeopleAdmin Posting for all requests to fill or extend a position on a temporary basis. You must have PeopleAdmin user access and permissions in order to create a Posting. Contact Human Resources x83203 or email: humanresources@stcloudstate.edu if you have questions.
Types of Fixed-term/temporary positions
Abbreviated Search Process (for fill-in for leave of absence or sabbatical)
In the recruitment of fixed-term and temporary positions follow the steps established for a MSUAASF Probationary Search Process with the following three exceptions.
- Recruitment need only be at the regional level with an advertisement placed in major regional publications, and
- Except for local candidates, only telephone interviews shall be conducted for fixed-term and temporary positions.
Emergency Search Process (for short-term - less than full year)
May be initiated in cases of illness, death, sudden resignation (less than 30 days), failed search, or other circumstances where time precludes a regular search.
- The department/unit will request (in writing) a waiver of normal affirmative action policies with the Director of Affirmative Action and provide the Office of Institutional Equity and Access with an explanation of:
- The reasons for the waiver request;
- what recruitment strategies the department/unit will make;
- in what publications they will advertise,
- what organizations they will contact,
- what other attempts the department/unit will make to ensure a successful search process, etc.
- As far as possible, candidates will be selected from an available pool of applicants.
Interim Appointment (may be requested if suitable candidates are available)
The Interim Search is identical to the MSUAASF Probationary Search Process with the following exception:
- Recruitment is done internally, usually through University email, mailing of Notices of vacancy to various selected groups and appropriate posting of Notices of Vacancy.
Processing Appointments
Once a finalist is identified and approved by the Hiring Manager and EAAO, here are the next steps to complete the hire:
- Once determined who you will offer the position to, please request of them: a resume, references, official transcripts and have them complete the Unclassified Personnel Application form if there was no search/no application in PeopleAdmin. If an expedited search was conducted in PeopleAdmin, use the PeopleAdmin application instead.
- Once those are gathered, you’ll need to have a salary calculation prepared by HR. HR will need the MSUAASF Prior Experience form have the finalist complete this form and return to HR as soon as possible, along with a copy of their resume and the completed application form.
- Once HR finishes the salary calculation, HR will notify you of the salary so that you can prepare the Unclassified Employment Request form (with resume, transcripts, references and application form attached to it) which indicates who you are hiring, the dates, salary, duties and into what position. Sign this form, forward to the Hiring Manager for signature and on to Chocoletta A. Simpson in EAAO to sign; she will forward to the Provost or other Vice-President and then it will end up here in HR for contract processing.
- A signed copy of the Interim person's position description should also be forwarded to HR, listing the duties this person is expected to perform in this emergency hire position.
- The new hire will then need to meet with HR for I-9 completion and new employee orientation before beginning work.