Hey, You Okay?
Start a conversation
We want Huskies in our campus community to form deeper connections and we believe you can do that through holding conversations with one another.
When we’re connected, we look out for one another. We’re able to check in on friends, classmates, and colleagues who may be struggling.
Start a conversation today! Ask someone “Hey, you okay?”
How to start a conversation
Start a conversation with someone who's struggling and make a difference in just 5 steps.
Step 1: Hey, You Okay?
Start the conversation by asking “Hey, you okay?”
- Find a private and comfortable place to talk.
- Make sure you have enough time to genuinely listen to the response.
- Point out specific reasons why you are concerned.
Step 2: Be There
Be present during the conversation and listen without judgement.
- Don’t rush the conversation.
- Recognize that times are tough for the speaker and let them know you’re concerned.
- Use open ended questions to keep the conversation moving.
- Show you are listening by paraphrasing what they said and asking if you understood correctly.
Step 3: Lend a hand
Lend a hand by encouraging action.
- Ask follow-up questions:
- Example: “I want to support you. How can I help? How can you take care of yourself right now?"
- Encourage them to talk with a professional. On campus, these resources include:
- Don’t feel like you need to fix the problem or have all the answers. Your job is to encourage and support them while they find solutions.
Step 4: Keep in Touch

- Show you truly care by checking back in a few days after your conversation. This can be a:
- Call
- Text
- Visit
- Continue to check in regularly. Sometimes all someone needs is a friendly ear as they process their situation.
Step 5: Be Real
It's okay to not be okay all the time.
- Every person will experience challenges and feel down at some point in their life.
- Its okay to feel these things and it's important to be honest about them.
- When asked "Hey You Okay?", Be real.
- You don’t have to wait for someone to ask you. You can reach out and get the help you need.
- Being real is a step toward getting better.
Resources that you can help point someone to for assistance if they are struggling include:
Counseling & Psychological Services
Stewart Hall 103
Medical Clinic
Eastman Hall
National Suicide Crisis Lifeline
Call or Text
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Get involved
You can be part of the Hey, You Okay? movement by scheduling a Hey, You Okay? Presentation for your organization, campus department or class or by becoming a trainer.
Hey, You Okay? Presentation
The Hey, You Okay? Presentation is a 15-minute presentation by a trained presenter. The presentation covers the Hey, You Okay? steps, resources available in the community and a practice conversation.
Schedule a presenter for your organization by contacting Healthy Huskies at 320-308-4179 or healthyhuskies@stcloudstate.edu.
Train the Trainer
Become a Hey, You Okay? Presenter and help spread the message to groups and organizations across campus.
Request information about the next Train the Trainer session by contacting Healthy Huskies at 320-308-4179 or healthyhuskies@stcloudstate.edu.
JED Campus
Hey, You Okay? Is a project as part of St. Cloud State University’s JED Campus commitment. JED Campus is an initiative of The Jed Foundation designed to empower schools with a framework and customized support to enhance student well-being and substance abuse and prevention efforts to create positive, lasting, systemic change in the campus community.
- 47 percent of students have been diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point in their lives.
- 40 percent of students say they're unable to manage stress.
- Community connections are a protection factor against suicide.
- Need more help than a conversation? Contact Counseling and Psychological Services.