University Library
Movies and Streaming Music
Today's Library Hours:
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
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Streaming Movies
Films on Demand
Search for online educational videos from multiple disciplines and subject areas.
Kanopy (Media Education Foundation)
Find online videos that encourage critical thinking about the social, political, and cultural impact of American mass media, with a special focus on representations of gender and race.
Streaming Music
Naxos Music Library
Listen to tracks from the largest online classical music collection.
Naxos Music Library Jazz
Listen to a comprehensive collection of over 20,000 jazz tracks.
Off-Campus Access
Use your StarID to access library databases and full text articles from off campus. You should see this login screen:
If you see a different screen or have other problems, Ask a Librarian or contact HuskyTech (320-308-7000).