University Library

Building Maps and Locations

Group of students in second floor reading court

First Floor


Group zone; flexible seating areas; computer lab; black/white and color printing; black/white scanning; video phone; full-spectrum lights area; Circulation service desk; MC conference room (MC 135G); Multicultural Resource Center (MC 136); Student Parent Success Center (MC 135E); Huskies Food Pantry (MC 135); Student Parent Study Room (MC 130H); Children and Young Adults' Literature, DVD, CD, Print Journals and Reference collections.


Wired 24-hour Computer Lab (MC 125), Campus Card and HuskyTech (MC 201 Service Desk), MC Auditorium (MC 122) and MC conference rooms (MC 114, 115 and 117).

Second Floor

Group zone, student study rooms, flexible seating areas, computer lab, black/white printing, vending machines, microwave, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Education (CHGE, MC 235), Community Anti-Racism Education (C.A.R.E., MC 212), MC classrooms (MC 206, 207, and 218), Book collection A-D.

Third Floor

Quiet zone, student study rooms, Meditation Room (MC 317), VHS player, University Library Administration (MC 310), University Archives (MC 314), Book collection M-N. 



Quiet zone; study carrels; Re-Charge Room (MC B02); Microform readers/scanners; Government Documents, Maps, Microform and Thesis collections; Book collection E-HX, J-L, and P-Z.
