SCSU Survey
Central Minnesota's survey research extension
High Quality Survey Research
The SCSU Survey is an ongoing survey research extension of St. Cloud State University and performs its research with the mission of serving the academic, public and non-profit sector communities through its commitment to high quality survey research.
Statewide surveys are conducted once a year in the fall and focus on statewide issues such as election races, current events and other important issues that are present in the state of Minnesota. During spring semester the Survey conducts an omnibus survey of students enrolled at SCSCU. Analyses for government agencies (state and local) and non-profit organizations are conducted throughout the year.
The Survey provides education and experiential opportunities to researchers and students.
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Student Involvement and Growth

In addition to faculty who serve as SCSU Survey directors/principal investigators, students have the opportunity to act as student directors, working closely with faculty to write questionnaires, design samples, pretest questionnaires, train interviewers and supervise interviewing. In addition to learning survey research skills, student directors enhance their leadership and supervisory skills.
Undergraduate and graduate students from all majors and areas of study get introduced to the survey process and develop strong communication skills by working as student callers.
Student directors and callers have gone on to be accepted to the graduate school of their choice and successful leaders in their industry.
All majors are encouraged to apply and become involved.
Established in 1980
The SCSU Survey and Research Center was founded in 1980 by Dr. Stephen Frank as hands-on exercise in empirical research for students in his upper-division classes.
The Survey became nationally recognized when it predicted Jesse Ventura's 1998 gubernatorial win. Survey directors at the time Stephen Frank and Steven Wagner went on to write "We Shocked the World: A Case Study of Jesse Ventura's Election as Governor of Minnesota."
In 2012 the Survey was recognized by as the third most accurate survey in the nation for its work ont he 2012 Presidential election.
Pictured: Stephen Frank with student Dianne Corrigan in 1984.
Polls are intended to provide local decision makers with useful and technically sound information regarding the characteristics, attitudes and behavior of central Minnesotans."
The survey procedures used by the SCSU Survey adhere to the highest quality of academic standards and maintains the highest ethical standards in its procedures and methods. Faculty and student directors alike demonstrate integrity and respect for dignity in all interactions with colleagues, clients, researchers and survey participants.
Faculty directors subscribe to the Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research and the American Association of Public Opinion Research code of ethics.