SCSU Survey

About SCSU Survey

Students in call lab

The SCSU Survey is an ongoing survey research extension of St. Cloud State.

The Survey conducts statewide surveys once a year in the fall and focus on issues such as election races, current events and other important issues that are present in the state. During spring semester the Survey conducts an omnibus survey of currently enrolled adults. SCSU Survey also conducts research for government and non-profit organizations throughout the year.


The primary mission of the SCSU Survey is to serve the academic community and public and nonprofit sector community through its commitment to high quality survey research and to provide education and experiential opportunities to researchers and students. 

The SCSU Survey strives to assure that all St. Cloud State students and faculty directors contribute to the research process, as all are essential in making a research project successful.

Student involvement

In addition to the SCSU Survey directors/principal investigators, senior students serve the survey as student directors. They work closely with faculty directors to write questionnaires, design samples, pretest questionnaires, train interviewers and supervise interviewing.

Each year, following the annual spring student survey, the student directors participate in the University Student Research Colloquium and conduct a press conference of their findings. In addition to learning survey research skills, student directors enhance their leadership and supervisory skills. 

Learn more about student directors and callers.


The Survey is financed by conducting surveys for government agencies (state and local) and for non-profit organizations.  The SCSU Survey does not conduct surveys for political parties or candidates.  Some support is provided by the School of Public Affairs and by St. Cloud State University. 


The survey procedures used by the SCSU Survey adhere to the highest quality of academic standards. The SCSU Survey maintains the highest ethical standards in its procedures and methods. Both faculty and student directors demonstrate integrity and respect for dignity in all interactions with colleagues, clients, researchers and survey participants.

Faculty directors subscribe to the Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research and the American Association of Public Opinion Research code of ethics.  


Dr. Stephen Frank began the survey in 1980 conducting several omnibus surveys a year of Central Minnesota adults in conjunction with his Political Science classes. 

The SCSU Survey has worked with such statewide offices as:

  • Attorney General
  • Children, Families and Learning
  • Finance
  • Pollution Control
  • Minnesota State Lottery

The SCSU Survey has an extensive history of working with nonprofit agencies, such as

  • The Central Minnesota Community Foundation
  • The Minnesota Chapter of Common Cause
  • Minnesota M.A.D.D
  • St. Cloud United Way.