Athletes for Success in the Classroom


Group photo outside Green House

5 Q&A's About Athletes for Success in the Classroom

1. What is Athletes for Success in the Classroom?

Athletes for Success in the Classroom (ASC) is an academic support and development program located in the Richard R. Green House. ASC and the Richard R. Green House are a part of the Department of Multicultural Student Services. The ASC program provides the academic support services necessary for today's student-athlete and students of color at St. Cloud State in a supportive and flexible environment.

2. How can the Athletes for Success in the Classroom help me?

The ASC Program will help you conquer your first, and most important, hurdle on your path toward academic success. That hurdle is TIME MANAGEMENT. We individually schedule study times that work with you and your schedule. Your study times are set-up during your open periods between your classes, practice and job responsibilities. This philosophy allows you to focus on your academics during the day and provide you with "free-time" in the evening. 

Other services include the following:

  • On-Site and virtual tutoring available in a variety of subjects

  • Academic Advising Strategies for successful test taking, note taking and reading

  • Instructor contacts by ASC staff that help monitor academic progress

3. Where is Athletes for Success in the Classroom located?

The ASC Program is housed in the Richard R. Green House which is across the street from the Education Building at 827 4th Avenue South St. Cloud MN, 56301

4. Why is Athletes for Success in the Classroom Successful?

The ASC Program support staff personnel are current/former student-athletes and students of color who are enrolled at St. Cloud State University. We understand what it takes to be successful in the classroom and in a diverse global community. We not only care about your academic success, but we also care about your success as an individual at St. Cloud State University.

5. How do I enroll in the ASC Program?

The ASC Program is open to all student-athletes and students of color at St. Cloud State University. You can either request tutoring from this web site, stop by or call us here at the Richard R. Green House. If you are a student-athlete, your coach may assign you to the ASC Program, or, they should have information on the program as well. Good learning this year, and remember we are here for you!

Read our Tips and Tricks for Academic Success