What Is Assessment of Student Learning?

Assessment of student learning is a systematic and iterative process designed to understand and improve student learning. It involves defining what students are to learn and demonstrate, measuring student learning, analyzing results, implementing changes in the educational environment to improve student learning, and then re-measuring student learning. Assessment of student learning is a form of research and is one of the most important responsibilities of higher education.

Feedback loop graphic

Assessment of Student Learning — Our Husky Compact

SCSU commits to our students to prepare them for life, work, and citizenship. Our Husky Compact embodies the most essential attributes needed for a successful personal, professional, and civic life. At SCSU, our students develop these attributes during their academic and co-curricular educational experiences. Upon graduation, our students will have demonstrated they:

  • Think creatively and critically
  • Seek and apply knowledge
  • Communicate effectively
  • Integrate existing and evolving technologies
  • Engage as a member of a diverse and multicultural world
  • Act with personal integrity and civic responsibility

The six guiding dimensions of Our Husky Compact are SCSU’s institutional learning outcomes for all undergraduate and graduate students and thus, the foundation for learning outcomes in our academic programs, liberal education program, and co-curricular programs.

Assessment of Student Learning – Academic Programs

Program assessment is a systematic and iterative process designed to understand and improve student learning within an academic degree/certificate program. It involves defining what students are to know and demonstrate, measuring student learning, analyzing results, implementing changes in the academic program to improve student learning, and then re-measuring student learning.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Curriculum Map

Signature Assignment (Measure)


Analysis and Discussion

Improvement Initiative


Assessment of Student Learning – Liberal Education Program

The Liberal Education Program (LEP) was created to ensure every undergraduate student at St. Cloud State University has an opportunity to explore ideas, issues, and methods in a broad and diverse spectrum of disciplines resulting in a strong foundation of knowledge, skills and experiences that prepare them to navigate the complex issues in our world, now and in the future.

LEP assessment is a systematic and iterative process designed to understand and improve student learning within the liberal education program. It involves defining what students are to know and demonstrate, measuring student learning, analyzing results, implementing changes in the liberal education program to improve student learning, and then re-measuring student learning.

LEP Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Signature Assignment (Measure)


Analysis and Discussion

Improvement Initiative


Assessment of Student Learning – Co-curricular Programs

Co-curricular programs are those programs that take place outside of the classroom; build, expand, or refine academic learning; and have learning outcomes based on and aligned with Our Husky Compact.

Co-curricular program assessment is a systematic and iterative process designed to understand and improve student learning within a co-curricular program. It involves defining what students are to know and demonstrate, measuring student learning, analyzing results, implementing changes in the co-curricular program to improve student learning, and then re-measuring student learning.

Co-curricular Learning Outcomes

Signature Assignment (Measure)


Analysis and Discussion

Improvement Initiative


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