Office of Assessment and Accreditation

Faculty & Staff Resources


The Assessment Office is here to support the assessment efforts across the university.

Assessment Day 

Please find the schedule for our bi-annual Assessment Days below:

Additional information, including powerpoints and handouts, can be found on our Assessment Sharepoint site. Login using your starID and password.

Assessment Peer Consulting Program

You do not have to do it alone! Assessment peer consultants are here to assist programs, departments, and units with all aspect of continuous improvement, including:

  • developing or improving student learning outcomes.
  • developing or improving assessment plans.
  • developing or improving assessment measures.
  • interpreting assessment findings.
  • using assessment findings for improving student learning, programs, and the assessment process.

Contact us to request consultation.



Don’t know where to begin?

Start here

The handbook contains general information about assessment at St Cloud State, including instructions on how to create assessment plans and assess them.

Meta-Assessment Rubric

The original Meta-assessment Rubric was created as a tool for programs to use either in conjunction with peer consultation or independently. It was intended to help conceptualize good assessment processes and practices and strengthen understanding and expectations.

Currently, meta-assessment of programmatic assessment plans and reports is integrated into our APIP, comprehensive review process. However, programs can use the rubric at any time to evaluate the maturity o