Center for International Disability Advocacy and Diplomacy

Education and Training

Education & Training  

The Center for International Disability Advocacy and Diplomacy at St. Cloud State University offers on campus graduate level courses, online non-credit courses, and professional development opportunities.

The Center for International Disability Advocacy and Diplomacy at St. Cloud State University is creating accessible, inclusive, engaging, innovative digital badges to meet the needs of a broad spectrum of consumers. From CEOs to employees, higher education administrators and faculty, non-profit and government organizations, digital badges and microcredentials are the new tool for advancing understanding and meetings DEIA goals.

A digital badge is an innovative avenue for demonstrating competencies attained through online learning modules that lead to microcredentials. The preliminary modules in development through the Center for International Disability Advocacy and Diplomacy are:

  • Inclusive and Equitable Workplace Environments  
  • Equal and Full Participants in Communication  
  • Workplace Relationships  
  • Organizational Mobility and Leadership Opportunities   
  • Accessibility and Accommodation  
  • Accountability within the Workplace for People with Disabilities

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