Corporate Education and Outreach

Corporate Education & Outreach is home to St. Cloud State University’s customized and non-credit professional training programs. Our staff's commitment ensures your project or program's success. We also help you connect to our university’s faculty or industry experts.
Our Certificate and Career programs give individuals or organizations the skills they need to ensure continued success in their fields. Professional development and online training courses help individuals stay on top and competitive in the job market. Many of our programs can be customized for your company or organization.
Our Test Prep programs help you master the exams that get you into the program of your choice or a specialized industry recognized certificate. Individuals looking to get certified in Microsoft technology and software may be certified at the SCSU Welcome Center with our Certiport Testing Center.
Since 2010 we have successfully been awarded more than $3.3 million in training grants, and we would be more than happy to work with your company or business on a potential grant project.
Our Global Outreach program has successfully connected the world to St. Cloud State University and the community. Students from dozens of countries share experiences and experience the American culture.