Navigating CPL

This page includes various CPL options available at SCSU. Students are encouraged to reach out to the chair of the department in which they are seeking a degree or the CPL coordinator. 

Financial Investment
The cost of pursing CPL will vary depending on the means by which a student seeks an assessment. For example, if undertaking a portfolio review, the student will be required to pay for a one credit course; in other instances, such as taking a CLEP test, the student will pay the fees charged by the external company administering the exam.

If credit for prior learning is granted for a course, a fee of one-third per credit will be assessed. For example, a three-credit course will cost the student the equivalent fee of one credit.

CPL Course List

Many SCSU courses are prepared to assess students’ prior learning experiences for possible credit. In addition to the courses in this section, other SCSU courses are eligible for CPL.

ACCT 291: Accounting I

BIOL 266: Medical Terminology

ENGL 191: College Composition and Rhetoric

Environmental and Technology Studies

World Languages