Computing, Informatics, and Data Science

Transfer Information

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Students wishing to transfer from another institution into the Computer Science or [insert program name here] can find transfer information on the College of Science and Engineering website, which includes transfer guides for several of MinnState's two-year institutions.

See how your courses will transfer to St. Cloud State with Transferology.

Q. Can I finish my bachelor's degree in two years?
A. Yes, it's possible!

Q. What languages does the department use in courses?
A. The department offers preliminary coursework in Python and C++. Students should expect to do most of their upper-division work in C++ but may also see Python, JavaScript, Java, and C#, among others. Students who recognize common program structures should be able to adapt to the specific language syntax.

Presuming a student has completed a semester of each calculus, discrete structures/discrete math, computer architecture (basic digital circuit design, CPU architecture, assembly language programming), and a rigorous course in data structures.

Consult with a transfer advisor as early as possible to learn about the transfer process and ensure you can meet your goals for degree completion.