English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Courses

If English proficiency test scores so indicate, a student may be required to take either a listening/speaking EAP class and/or a reading/writing EAP class. The EAP Placement Test and permission of the EAP Coordinator is required for enrollment. These classes are regular university classes at the 100 and 200 level and are worth four semester credits each. These courses have the same numbers as foreign language courses (e.g., French, German, Japanese, Spanish, etc.) at SCSU. EAP courses at SCSU also count for graduation (for undergraduate students) in a student's degree program as university electives.
EAP courses in reading and writing (EAP 102, EAP 202) focus on improving academic reading skills (e.g., previewing, skimming, scanning) as well as promoting writing skills in topic development, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanics. Tutoring help for writing is available at the Write Place. EAP courses in listening and speaking (EAP 101, EAP 201) focus on improving academic listening (e.g., note-taking, discrete, global) and speaking (e.g., fluency, organization, pronunciation) skills through in-class presentations and discussion.
In addition to the above classes, there are also two other courses in our program that have no direct relationship with the English proficiency test: EAP 150 (Cultural Orientation) and EAP 151 (Administrative Orientation for International Students). EAP 150 is a two-credit course that focuses on issues related to culture shock and adjusting to a new culture. EAP 150 is required for all international undergraduate students from schools outside the US. International undergrads who have studied in the U.S. for at least one academic year (full-time), and international graduate students, are exempt from the requirement for EAP 150. EAP 150 and 151 are not language classes. They are orientation classes.
All new international students (graduate students and undergraduates) are required to take EAP 151, which is a one-credit course that focuses on employment concerns, racism, racial and sexual harassment, orientation to campus technology and the library, and other issues that are important to international students at SCSU. EAP 151 is not recommended for U.S. residents.
More information about English for Academic Purposes course descriptions can be found in the University Catalog. Course dates and times for the upcoming semester can be found in the course schedule.