Bring Huskies Home

Questions & Answers

Bring Huskies Home

Questions & Answers

Due to the evolving COVID-19 environment, these questions and answers are subject to change. 


What can I do to protect myself and others from COVID-19 and its variants?

What should I do if I am experiencing symptoms related to those of the COVID-19 virus?

If I am vaccinated, do I need to get tested for COVID-19?

If I am vaccinated and test positive for COVID-19, do I need to stay away from others?

Where can I get a COVID-19 test?

Where can I go to learn more about COVID-19?

How will the University keep our campus community updated about COVID-19-related information?

Where can a university office get official signage about current COVID-19 protocols?

How will the University communicate information to parents?

How often will President Wacker hold Town Halls?

What are St. Cloud State University’s mitigation efforts, in terms of cleaning, for preventing COVID-19 transmission?

Will there be sanitizing wipes available in offices, classrooms, and other spaces on campus?

Will there be in-person events on campus?

What is the general COVID-19 protocol for campus events?


What is the University doing to provide vaccinations for our students and employees?

Why are people not getting vaccinated?

Is the University considering requiring vaccinations for students ?

May I ask a student or employee if they have been vaccinated?


What is the plan for classes in the fall?

Will classroom capacity limits be adjusted and/or physical distancing implemented?

Will course modalities change from where they were when students registered?

Why has the University not moved to fully online courses this fall?

How is the University deciding course modalities?


What should I do if I test positive for COVID-19?

What should I do if I have had close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

Am I able to continue taking my class online if have to isolate or quarantine? Do I have the option to take my in-person courses online if I have to care for a sick family member?

Am I able to take a course online if I have a medically-related circumstance?

Will residence halls have doubles or singles available?

Do I have to wear a mask/face covering in my own residence hall?

Are students required to get vaccinated?

Are any student groups included in the vaccination attestation protocol for our university?

Can student organizations have banquets or other meetings/gatherings?


What should I do if I test positive for COVID-19?

What should I do if I have had close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

Am I able to move my in-person or hybrid course to fully online if I have to isolate or quarantine due to a COVID-19 infection?

Am I able to move my course online if I have a medically-related circumstance?

Do I have the option to offer my in-person or hybrid courses completely online if I have to care for a sick family member?

If my students agree to move my in-person or hybrid course to an online format, may I make that change?

Should I use a seating chart in my classroom?

What should be done if a student informs their Professor of a  positive COVID-19 test?

May I require students/visitors to my office to wear a mask?

May I have online office hours instead of in-person office hours?

Can I require my students to be vaccinated? Can I ask my students if they are vaccinated?

May I lecture without a mask even when a mask mandate is activated?

Can I require students to wear a mask in my classroom?

What do I do if a student refuses to wear a mask/face-covering in my class when there is a University masking requirement?

Will there be disposable masks in classrooms?

If a student is unable to attend my class for a period of time due to COVID-19-related/medically-related circumstances, do I need to also offer my in-person or hybrid course via online to accommodate the student’s situation?

May I make statements in the classroom regarding mask usage or vaccinations?


What should I do if I test positive for COVID-19?

What should I do if I have had close contact to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

I am a new employee. My health coverage is effective 35 days after my date of hire. What are my options if I become sick?

Am I able to continue working, but from home, if have to isolate or quarantine? Do I have the option to work from home if I have to care for a sick family member?

Am I able to work from home if I have a medically-related circumstance? What if I am immunocompromised?

What can I do if someone on campus refuses to wear a mask during a University mask mandate?

What is happening with university-sponsored travel?

If I have recently traveled, do I need to be cleared by my doctor before returning to work and/or campus?

How are we handling searches? Are we bringing candidates to campus? Will we be hosting open forums?