Faculty & Staff

Employee Webpages Directory

No current listings.

St. Cloud State University recognizes the value and potential of personal publishing on the internet, and also allows and encourages staff and faculty to experiment with producing personal WWW pages. However, the University accepts no responsibility for the content of those pages.

The links from the personal homepage section are the personal homepages of St. Cloud State University staff and faculty. While these pages do not in anyway constitute official St. Cloud State University content, we hope you find the information in them useful, or at least entertaining.

University personnel do not edit or preapprove the personal homepages, but any pages found in violation of the Employee Code of Conduct, Data Practices Policy, or other University policies will be immediately removed from SCSU's computing resources and the owner of the information may be subject to disciplinary action by the University.

The views and opinions expressed in the pages are strictly those of the page authors, and comments on the contents should be directed to the page authors.