Ethnic, Gender and Women's Studies

Careers and Jobs

A major or minor in Gender & Women’s Studies and/or Ethnic Studies (or any of the area studies) provides students with various skills that are sought by many employers and important in many careers.

Marketable Skills

  • Leadership and Advocacy skills
  • Knowledge of the conditions of women and people of color in various cultures and societies
  • Understanding both the origins and significance of women's/people of color’s subordination
  • Analyzing theories of gender/race construction and inequality
  • Addressing gender/race inequalities in productively receptive ways
  • Solving problems creatively, critically, and analytically; coherently discussing productive alternatives
  • Identifying and analyzing gender-/race-based stereotypes and prejudices; recognizing their harmful effects on individual, social, and cultural levels
  • Analyzing different perspectives on a topic
  • Collecting and analyzing data
  • Public speaking
  • Writing and delivering a presentation
  • Working productively in a team
  • Working with diverse communities
  • Programming skills

Career Opportunities

Many of our students work in non-profit or service industries. Because all of our majors and minors are paired with other degrees, our students often also major in psychology, mass communication, social work, education, and other similar programs. That means future workers in these fields are better prepared to work with diverse groups, something that is imperative in this complex, globalized world.

Our programs also teach many transferable skills and help students cultivate their leadership capacity. Students can effectively pair our programs with careers in Mass Communications, Business, Political careers, Global Studies, and International Relations. Any arena where you have to demonstrate independent thinking and be able to work with diverse communities can benefit from our programs.

Students will also have the critical analytical skills necessary to analyze institutional policies that perpetuate unequal relations in society. They will become responsible citizens that will strive for social justice so that all communities can be empowered.

Just a few of examples of career opportunities that benefit from a major or minor in Ethnic Studies or Gender & Women’s Studies when paired with further study or training are as follows:


  • Financial executive search recruiter
  • Bookstore supplies buyer
  • Human resources manager
  • Spa/salon coordinator
  • Office manager
  • Marketing specialist to underrepresented communities
  • Diversity trainer

Social and Public Service

  • Director of counseling services
  • Social justice advocate
  • Minister
  • Police officer with knowledge of police issues concerning underrepresented communities
  • Social worker
  • Employee for a non-profit establishment
  • Speech pathologist


  • Magazine freelance writer/researcher
  • Journalist
  • Independent filmmaker/producer
  • Editor
  • Self-employed media publicist
  • Production artist


  • High school teacher/English department chairperson
  • Community education instructor
  • Case manager, community service agency
  • Assistant director of a child care center
  • University assistant professor in women’s/ethnic studies
  • Counselor to students of underrepresented communities
  • Diversity trainer/administrator
  • Museum curator
  • Graduate school and/or law school degrees
  • Academic Advisor for underrepresented communities


  • Medical doctor with knowledge of health issues concerning underrepresented communities
  • Community health outreach worker to underrepresented communities
  • Health services project administrator
  • Advocate for Indian child welfare
  • Mental health counselor working with underrepresented groups
  • Attorney, consultant, lecturer concerning underrepresented communities
  • Law professor with knowledge of legal issues concerning underrepresented communities
  • Tribal attorney
  • Legal assistant or advocate for tribes
  • Victim counselor regarding domestic violence, police brutality, or hate crimes