Digital Exhibits
Over time, the University Archives will present digital exhibits to highlight the history of St. Cloud State. That history is rich, chronicling the time as a school to train teachers to becoming a large state university with a diverse student body.
100 Years of the Chronicle
On September 24, 1924, the first issue of the Chronicle was published. Based on several themes, this digital exhibit spotlights 100 years of campus change through the eyes of the Chronicle.
First Class: St. Cloud State's Class of 1871
On June 30, 1871, the 15 members of the Third State Normal School’s first graduating class gathered with an overflow crowd of parents, faculty, Normal School Board members, and St. Cloud dignitaries to receive their degrees at the local Congregational Church. This exhibit profiles the lives of those 13 women and two men after graduation. What was found was surprising — and revealing.
From Normal to University: The St. Cloud State Campus Since 1869
Explore how the physical St. Cloud State campus has changed since 1869 through information and historic images. Organized chronologically, view campus aerial images to see the changes through time as a sleepy campus along the Mississippi River to one that is now 100 acres.Students Do Their Bit: St. Cloud State and World War I
Created by University Archives' interns (and public history graduate students) Kayla Stielow and Kasey Solomon in the fall of 2017, this online exhibit explores how St. Cloud State reacted to World War I (1914-1918). Three areas in which the St. Cloud State were heavily involved in are spotlighted: conservation, activism, and military involvement.
Theater as Art: The Costume Sketches of Harvey Jurik
This exhibit features costume sketches drawn by Professor Emeritus of Theatre Harvey Jurik between 1972 and 1992. University Archives then matched sketches with photographs from the actual productions, comparing what Professor Jurik imagined the costumes would look like against what actually was created by students. Come see the physical exhibit and the actual sketches now in University Archives.
The History of KVSC Trivia Weekend
First held in March 1980, KVSC's trivia weekend has grown from a campus trivia contest to one that involves individuals and teams world-wide. Explore the exhibit learn more about the colorful history of KVSC trivia weekend through photos, posters, t-shirts, and newspaper clippings, as well as test your trivia knowledge by answering questions asked during the contest. Special thanks to Cathy Coats and Krista Lewis for the research and creation of this virtual exhibit.
Who Was Here? Well-Known Visitors at St. Cloud State
Since its founding in 1869, St. Cloud State University has hosted well-known entertainers, celebrities, politicians, athletes, radio, film, and television actors and actresses, and music groups. These include comedian Bob Hope, rock musician Elton John, basketball's Harlem Globetrotters, and US President Dwight D. Eisenhower. All information and images are from University Archives.
St. Cloud State Libraries: Past and Present from 1875
An online exhibit on the five St. Cloud State buildings that have served as St. Cloud State's library: Old Main, Old Model School Building, Kiehle, Centennial, and Miller Center.
Hail to the Chief! St. Cloud State University Presidents Since 1869
An easy guide to the men and women who have served as president of St. Cloud State since 1869.
St. Cloud State University Buildings
Includes the digital exhibit entitled St. Cloud State University: The Faces Behind the Places, which highlights named campus buildings. Other pieces include aerial photographs and individual profiles of campus buildings.
A Changing View of SCSU (PDF, 13.3 MB)
The physical campus of St. Cloud State has changed greatly since its establishment in 1869. Growth after World War II, especially with the influx of "baby boomers," transformed the campus footprint. Created by St. Cloud State public history graduate student Marissa Bialek, the exhibit incorporates research conducted at the University Archives and the Miller Center library to tell the story of the changing view of SCSU.