Retention Schedules: Computer Store
Records Type
Do not destroy records that are part of - or you are aware that they will be part of - any legal action, audit, investigation, or review.
Deposit records
Agency Schedule Number: 012-118
Item No.: 1
Description: Original deposit detail for personal purchases. Supporting documents may include commission or vendor check stubs, claimed gift certificates, shipping, credit card summaries, and Business Office deposit sheet.
Confidential Information: No
Office of Record: Computer Store
Other Offices: Reference copies maintained by other units should be disposed of by recycling or file wiping when no longer needed for administrative purposes. Reference copies should be kept no longer than the period specified for the Office of Record.
Retention Period: Retain for current fiscal year, plus 5 fiscal years, then dispose by recycling.
Effective Date: June 2012
Revision Date: NA
Purchase orders for vendors
Agency Schedule Number: 012-118
Item No.: 2
Description: Original purchase orders created for vendors for the Computer Store to purchase items for resale. These can include supporting email or paperwork related to the purchases.
Confidential Information: No
Office of Record: Computer Store
Other Offices: Reference copies maintained by other units should be disposed of by shredding or file wiping when no longer needed for administrative purposes. Reference copies should be kept no longer than the period specified for the Office of Record.
Retention Period: Retain for current fiscal year, plus 5 fiscal years, then dispose by shredding.
Effective Date: June 2012
Revision Date: NA
Invoices for purchases from faculty, staff, students, and campus units
Agency Schedule Number: 012-118
Item No.: 3
Description: Original invoices created for faculty, staff, and students, as well as original invoices for department orders. These can include supporting email or paperwork related to the purchases on the invoice.
Confidential Information: Yes
Office of Record: Computer Store
Other Offices: Reference copies maintained by other units should be disposed of by recycling or file wiping when no longer needed for administrative purposes. Reference copies should be kept no longer than the period specified for the Office of Record.
Retention Period: Retain for current fiscal year, plus 5 fiscal years, then dispose by shredding.
Effective Date: June 2012
Revision Date: NA