Retention Schedules: Printing Services
Records Type
Do not destroy records that are part of - or you are aware that they will be part of - any legal action, audit, investigation, or review.
Brochures and publications
Agency Schedule Number: 012-115
Item No.: 3
Confidential Information: No
Office of Record: Print Services
Other Offices: Reference copies maintained by other units should be disposed of by recycling or file wiping when no longer needed for administrative purposes. Reference copies should be kept no longer than the period specified for the Office of Record.
Retention Period: Once printed, collect for 1 year, then transfer to Archives for selection and disposition.
Effective Date: June 2012
Revision Date: NA
Job bag files (print jobs)
Agency Schedule Number: 012-115
Item No.: 2
Confidential Information: No
Office of Record: Print Services
Other Offices: Reference copies maintained by other units should be disposed of by shredding or file wiping when no longer needed for administrative purposes. Reference copies should be kept no longer than the period specified for the Office of Record.
Retention Period: Hard copies: Retain until superseded, then dispose by recycling; Digital copies: Retain, until superseded or if the file has not been printed in 2 years, then delete.
Effective Date: June 2012
Revision Date: NA
Print request forms
Agency Schedule Number: 012-115
Item No.: 1
Confidential Information: Yes
Office of Record: Print Services
Other Offices: Reference copies maintained by other units should be disposed of by recycling or file wiping when no longer needed for administrative purposes. Reference copies should be kept no longer than the period specified for the Office of Record.
Retention Period: Retain 3 years, then dispose by recycling.
Effective Date: June 2012
Revision Date: NA