University Library
Library Access for Distance Students
Account Set Up
In order to access library databases or request books, you will need to activate your StarID.
Getting Articles
- Use your StarID and password to search for articles using LibSearch or another database listed on the Research Databases page.
- Download full text articles, if available.
- If an article is not owned by our library, submit an Interlibrary Loan form either through the database or from the Interlibrary Loan page. Please indicate that you are a distance learner in the “Comment” section of the form. SCSU students are not charged for this service.
- Watch for notification of electronic delivery in your email account.
- If the article cannot be delivered electronically, we will mail a photocopy to your home, free of charge.
Getting Books
- Use LibSearch to search for your topic. From your results list, limit to books and eBooks by clicking on the Resource Type > Books link.
- To access eBooks, use your StarID and password.
- To request a physical book from LibSearch, click on Get It and then Resource Sharing.
- Use your StarID and password.
- Indicate that you are a distance learner in the “Comment” section of the form. SCSU students are not charged for this service.
- Send the request form.
- To request a book from the WorldCat catalog, click on the title of the book and then the Find It @ SCSU button.
- Click on the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) link.
- Enter your StarID and password.
- To have the book delivered to your home, you must indicate that you are a distance learner and would like delivery to your home in the "Comment" section of the ILL form. The library will pay for the cost of one-way delivery to your home. You will be responsible only for the cost of mailing the book back to the library before the due date, using the pre-addressed return label that accompanies the book.
Quick Contacts
- Book Checkout and Renewals
(320) 308-3083 - Database Access and Use
Ask a Librarian
(320) 308-3083 - Interlibrary Loan Requests
Interlibrary Loan
(320) 308-2085 - Research Help
Ask a Librarian
(320) 308-3083 - StarID Account
(320) 308-2077
Today's Library Hours:
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
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