Math Skills Center
Math 070: Basic Mathematical Concepts
Math 070: Basic Mathematical Concepts
Math 070 is an integrated review of basic algebraic and geometric concepts and is a prerequisite for MATH 072, MATH 103 or STAT 103.
We emphasize problem-solving, writing to explain methods and solutions and collaborative learning. Class time is spent on the content topics listed below in the unit outline.
Your instructor will post a calendar, syllabus, and course assignments on their D2L Brightspace. Tutoring is available for enrolled students in the Math Skills Center, 224 Centennial Hall.
Required Course Materials
MyMathLab subscription.
- A basic five-function calculator. Scientific and graphing calculators are not allowed.
- To view and print course materials you will need to install the free Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer if you do not already have it.
Unit Outlines
Unit 1
- 2.5 Order of operations
- 3.6 Multiplying, simplifying, and more with area
- 3.7 Reciprocals and division
- 4.2 Addition, order, and applications
- 4.3 Subtraction, equations, and applications
- 4.5 Mixed numerals
- 4.6 Addition and subtraction of mixed numerals; applications
- 4.7 Multiplication and division of mixed numerals; applications
- 5.1 Decimal notation, order, and rounding
- 5.8 Applications and problem solving
- 8.2 Perimeter
- 8.3 Area
- 8.4 Circles
- 8.5 Volume
- 8.8 Similar triangles
- 9.7 Properties of real numbers
- 9.8 Simplifying expressions; order of operations
- Appendix A: Linear measure
- Appendix B: Weight and mass
- Appendix C: Capacity
- Appendix D: Time and temperature
Unit 2
- 6.1 Ratio and proportion
- 6.2 Percent notation
- 6.3 Percent notation and fraction notation
- 6.4 Solving percent problems using percent equations
- 6.5 Solving percent problems using Proportions
- 6.6 Applications of percent
- 6.7 Sales tax, commission and discount
- 6.8a Simple interest
- 10.3 Solving equations
- 10.4 Formulas
- 10.5 Applications of percent
- 10.6 Applications and problem solving
- 10.7 Solving inequalities
- 10.8 Applications and problem solving with inequalities
- 16.5 Radical equations
- 16.6 Applications with right triangles
- Reasoning skills
Unit 3
- 11.1 Graphs and applications of linear equations
- 11.2 More with graphing and intercepts
- 11.3 Slope and applications
- 11.4 Equations of lines
- 11.5 Graphing using the slope andy-intercept
- 11.6 Parallel and perpendicular lines
- 11.7 Graphing inequalities in two variables
- 12.1 Integers as exponents
- 12.2 Exponents and scientific notation
Unit 4
- 12.3 Introduction to polynomials
- 12.4 Addition and subtraction of polynomials
- 12.5 Multiplication of polynomials
- 12.6 Special products
- 13.1 Introduction to factoring
- 13.2 Factoring trinomials of the type x² +bx+c
- 13.7 Solving quadratic equations by factoring
- 13.8 Applications of quadratic equations
- 17.1 Introduction to quadratic equations
- 17.2 Solving quadratic equations
- 17.3 The quadratic formula