
Transfer Information

Students wishing to transfer to St. Cloud State University should contact the Music Department chairperson for evaluation of music credits once they have been admitted to SCSU. The chairperson will examine previous transcripts and determine transfer equivalencies and placement into the SCSU music curriculum. We are proud to work individually with students wishing to transfer to SCSU, and we are committed to assisting students in meeting their education goals.

Placement exams in theory, musicianship, piano, history, and applied study may be required for transfer credit acceptance consideration if not taken at a Minnesota State institution.

The following requirements apply to transfer students:

  • All transfer courses with a "C" or better will be considered for transfer equivalency.
  • Any transfer course with a "C-" or lower will need to be retaken at SCSU.
  • A minimum of two semesters of applied study must be completed at SCSU.
  • A minimum of two semesters of ensemble courses must be completed at SCSU.
  • An Entrance Audition with an applied instructor will determine admission status into the applied studio, the transfer of applied study credits, and placement at the appropriate level of applied study.
  • An Entrance Interview with a piano instructor will determine placement into the Class Piano sequence as determined by degree program.