Percussion Ensemble in the Department of Music

Percussion Ensemble
The Percussion Ensemble is dedicated to performing literature written for large percussion ensemble, in addition to alternative chamber formats including mixed ensemble, folkloric traditional, electronic, and the music of contemporary composers. Students experience performing on a diverse array of percussion instruments, including mallet percussion, hand percussion, drum set, electronic percussion and traditional section percussion. Smaller ensembles are also extracted from within the Percussion Ensemble, in order to provide students experiences developing improvisation skills within the context of a drum set trio, an iPad ensemble, and a mallet ensemble. The groups perform on campus each semester, and travel in local tours every couple of years.
How to join
Register for MUSP 155 and attend the first rehearsals of the semester, Tuesday, Aug. 23 or Thursday, Aug. 25 from 3:30-5:20 p.m. in PAC 113.
Contact Dr. Vermillion at to ask questions or find out more information.
For more information
Terry Vermillion
(320) 308-5237
Class credit
This ensemble can be taken for course credit, MUSP 155; counts in LEP Goal Area 6; and is repeatable for credit.