Office for Institutional Equity & Access

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972

20 U.S.C. Section 1681, Federal Civil Rights Law

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." SCSU receives such assistance and complies with this law and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106.

To ensure compliance with Title IX, the University is required to designate a Title IX Coordinator, the Office for Institutional Equity & Access (OEA) serves as the contact office responsible for developing, adopting and disseminating its nondiscrimination policy and making the policy available to the University community. The Vice President for Equity and Inclusion & Title IX Coordinator, Chocoletta A. Simpson, will coordinate Title IX compliance requirements campus wide.

In accordance with this policy, St. Cloud State University (SCSU) is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which all persons who participate in University programs and activities can come together to learn and work in an atmosphere freed from all forms of harassment, exploitation, discrimination, intimidation or retaliation based on sex or gender. It is the responsibility of the University to prevent acts of discrimination based on sex or gender if possible, correct it when it occurs, provide education towards prevention, and to recommend appropriate disciplinary action, as necessary, against behavior that is a violation of the policy. Every member of the University community should be aware that the University will not tolerate discrimination based on sex or gender of any kind and such behavior is prohibited by Federal Law, State Law and University policy.

Non-discrimination Statement

St. Cloud State University prohibits sexual violence as it is an intolerable intrusion into the most personal and private rights of an individual. St. Cloud State University is committed to eliminating sexual violence in all forms. St. Cloud State University will take appropriate remedial action against any individual found responsible for acts in violation of this policy. Acts of sexual violence may also constitute violations of criminal or civil law, or other board policies that may require separate proceedings. To further its commitment against sexual violence, St. Cloud State University provides reporting options, internal mechanisms and processes for dispute resolution, education and prevention training, and a variety of related services that are confidential, including advocacy and counseling. In compliance with Minnesota State policy 1B.3 and procedure 1B.3.1, review and action of on and off-campus complaints including, but not limited to sexual harassment, sexual violence, and/or some forms of stalking will be addressed by Chocoletta A. Simpson, Vice President for Equity and Inclusion & Title IX Coordinator.

To learn more about St. Cloud State’s Title IX Procedures take a look at the Student Code of Community Standards - Title IX.

St. Cloud State University's Title IX Coordinator

Chocoletta A. Simpson
Vice President for Equity and Inclusion & Title IX Coordinator
Office for Institutional Equity & Access, AS121

For full details and reporting procedures, please visit the Office of Civil Rights web site.

Title IX Information

Title IX: Know Your IX

Hey, college students click here to learn more about Title IX.

Reporting Sexual Violence under Title IX

Learn about sexual violence and misconduct, including how to get help, give help, prevent it, report it and more.

Pregnant or Parenting?

Find out how Title IX protects you from discrimination at school.