Our Husky Compact



Launched in 2005, Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) is a national public advocacy and campus action initiative of the Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U). LEAP champions the importance of a twenty-first-century liberal education—for individual students and for a nation dependent on economic creativity and democratic vitality.

LEAP responds to the changing demands of the twenty-first century—demands for more college-educated workers and more engaged and informed citizens.  Today, and in the years to come, college graduates need higher levels of learning and knowledge as well as strong intellectual and practical skills to navigate this more demanding environment successfully and responsibly.


Multi State Collaborative

The Multi State Collaborative is an initiative designed to provide meaningful evidence about how well students are achieving important learning outcomes.  By focusing on student work that they create as part of their normal classroom activities, we are hoping to learn more about how our students learn.  SCSU is one of about 100 institutions from 9 states that are participating in this exciting project.


MN VALUE Project

A group of colleges and universities in Minnesota, including both public and private institutions, are participating in an initiative closely related to the Multi State Collaborative.  This project seeks to gather evidence about student learning at multiple points in their education, and like the MSC, relies upon the AAC&U VALUE Rubrics.



As part of AAC&U’s Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) initiative, the VALUE rubrics contribute to the national dialogue on assessment of college student learning. St. Cloud State is employing many of these rubrics as part of Our Husky Compact.


HLC Conference Presentation Materials

April 17, 2016 

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