Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do with the Athletic Coaching minor?
The Athletic Coaching minor provides students with the academic preparation to coach at any level. The educational objectives of the minor in athletic coaching are for students to acquire knowledge of sports coaching. Students will also develop a philosophical approach and foundational knowledge that academically prepares them to coach at any competitive level.
Who is eligible to declare an Athletic Coaching minor?
The Athletic Coaching minor is open to any enrolled St. Cloud State University student.
How many passed credits are required to complete the Athletic Coaching minor?
Athletic Coaching minor courses provide hands-on experience as well as providing a unique insight into motivation, competition, training and conditioning, body mechanics and team leadership. Course requirements are a blend of required coaching and specific sports coaching theory.
How do I know when my sport of interest is offered?
Coaching courses offered in odd years are track and field, football, basketball, baseball, softball and soccer. Coaching courses offered in even years are hockey, volleyball, swim/dive, wrestling and tennis. Please see the degree map in the University Catalog for more information.
Does the state of Minnesota require a coaching certificate?
While Minnesota no longer requires a teaching license as a coach, a Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) head coach either needs a coaching certificate or an Athletic Coaching minor. The advantage of an Athletic Coaching minor on a student's transcript is that the minor is accepted in all the U.S. states.
How many times can I register for PESS 431?
Students are able to coach multiple sports seasons for additional credits (up to 3 total credits). This allows a student to gain experience coaching in multiple terms and sports.
Are there any requirements prior to enrolling in PESS 431?
A student must present a current CPR/AED and first aid certification prior to enrolling in PESS 431. A student must be junior standing or higher and have successfully completed 9-10 credits in the coaching minor, and have a 2.5 minor GPA.
How do I declare a minor in Athletic Coaching?
Please email the Kinesiology Department; write your full name, St. Cloud State student ID number, and state that you would like the Athletic Coaching minor added to your DARs (degree audit) report. If it does not appear on your DARs within a week, please call 320-308-3637.