Bachelor of Elective Studies

Details and Information


Complete admission and program requirements are found in the University Catalog.

Consider this:
  1. If you started a degree program but have not finished, the Bachelor of Elective Studies (BES) allows you  to come back to college to complete your degree in a timely manner.
  2. If you have earned a large number of credits in an area of study that no longer  interests you or meets your career objectives, you can select another course of  study.  The previous credits you earned  still count towards your BES
  3. If your work demands basic knowledge in more than one subject area, the BES allows you to take higher level courses without completing the full  requirements of a major.
  4. If your personal interests encompass a wide variety of disciplines, the BES  gives you a chance to explore several subject areas in depth without committing  to one specialty.
  5. If you are choosing a new career path, the BES is your degree of choice.

These choices – and others – allow you to elect the courses, the schedule, the time commitment and the level of intensity you choose to  complete your undergraduate degree.

How to design your Bachelor of Elective Studies degree

Bachelor of Elective Studies – Liberal Studies major (self select)

Bachelor of Elective Studies – Departmental major and/or minor

Degree requirements

Additional Information

Transferring Credits

Students may transfer credits from other institutions to St. Cloud State. Information about transfer procedures and residency requirements available from Records and Registration on St. Cloud State’s website.

Graduate School
Students should plan their BES undergraduate program to meet the requirements of graduate institutions or programs that interest them. It is recommended that students investigate graduate admission criteria while pursuing the BES degree in order to tailor their course choices to graduate degree program requirements.

The BES degree provides the same high level of academic achievement as any other baccalaureate degree. It uses 21st century technology to help students complete degree programs and recognizes changing approaches to higher education for students at all stages of academic  progress. The Program Proposal that is required of BES candidates allows students to think through their reasons for pursuing their undergraduate degrees through the BES program. Creating the Program Proposal gives students the opportunity to develop clear and reasoned answers to give any employer inquiring about this degree program.