Strategic Goals
St. Cloud State University’s Strategic Action Plan is designed to articulate what it means to be a 21st Century Engaged University and outline the strategic framework by which we will implement our plan. For St. Cloud State, engagement rests on the following three strategic goals:
Engaged Students
Engaged student learning requires taking an active approach to delivering our educational programs and services that continually encourages our students to practice what they learn, integrating new knowledge and skills across a range of experiences. Our Husky Compact provides the framework upon which these learning experiences come to life.
We will support our faculty in increasingly integrating high impact practices into learning experiences that directly engage students in active and applied learning environments.
Engaged student learning also fosters the delivery of educational programs and support services that empower our students to grow and achieve their potential, positioning them for life-long success.
Engaged Campus
Creating an engaged campus requires creating an environment that is organizationally and financially healthy, supporting the success and wellbeing of all members of our campus community. It is a commitment to become an innovative learning organization in which we learn from and support each other.
Together we strive to redefine learning, relevance, engagement, inclusion, and collaboration that addresses the challenges of higher education in the 21st Century and supports the diverse array of students we have the privilege to serve.
As a community, we will regularly celebrate the best of what we do and hold each other accountable for the success of all our students.
Engaged Communities
Engaging with our local and global communities requires a commitment to positive, reciprocal relationships that place our partners at the center of our academic, social and cultural efforts, positioning St. Cloud State as an essential resource to continue their ongoing success.
Engaged communities involve building sustained, rich partnerships that are relevant and responsive to community needs. By extending our learning environment through a global network of strategic partners and institutions, we provide our students with international learning experiences and bring the world into the classrooms at St. Cloud State. Students benefit most from community engagement when they have access to active and applied learning experiences critical to their education – developing their own paths toward becoming engaged, active citizens throughout their lives.
These efforts create a unique opportunity for St. Cloud State to define itself as a 21st Century Engaged University – a claim few institutions in our region can make.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the complex challenges facing our state, country and world cannot be addressed by the traditional state university model. To successfully educate and graduate tomorrow’s diverse and non-traditional student populations, we are creating an innovative educational environment that is responsive to their needs and expectations.
With Our Husky Compact, we will help students discover and achieve their goals, preparing them for the professional, social, and cultural environments they will contribute to and someday lead.