TEC (Technology, Engineering & Careers) Network
About Us

Our goals:
- To provide comprehensive access to high-tech industry-standard equipment and high-quality teacher-written curriculum to schools in a 50-mile radius.
- To preserve and promote integrated STEM programs at a time when schools must make difficult decisions based on tight budgets and reduced funding.
- To develop curriculum for use with equipment and to encourage development of additional curriculum.
- To promote a holistic approach to education that all students need as they prepare for college and careers.
- To show how business and education can work together toward common goals.
- To encourage collaboration among science, technology, engineering, and math teachers.
- To build networks of support for teachers in the region.
- To partner with businesses as a way to build access to state-of-the-art equipment.
30 Laptop computers are available with the following software components installed:
- Robotic engineering Curriculum (PLTW)
- Autodesk based Curriculum (PLTW)
- Green Technology Curriculum (STEM)
- Intelitek Foundation Skills Program (STEM)
- Learning Management Systems (PLTW)
- Auto Desk suite, Corel Draw, Easy C, Lego (PLTW and STEM)
The equipment and experiments offered by the mobile lab are designed to attract young people to careers in technology and engineering. With the mobile laboratory, local educators are able to cover such topics as:
- 3D Technology
- U-Print 3D printer
- Solido 3D Printer
- Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
- Universal Laser
- Roland Mill
- Forest Scientific Router
- Intelitek Expert Mill and ER4 Scorebot Robotic Arm
- Renewable Energy
- Eco/Stem House
- Robotics
- Vex Robotic Kits
- Lego Robotic Kits
- Intelitek ER-4u Scorebot Robotic Arm
The T&E Express is intended to enhance the STEM curriculum of schools that don’t have the equipment or infrastructure to provide such training.