Alcohol Safety & COVID-19
Drinking while partying can feel like a rite of passage, an opportunity to hang out with friends, meet new people or de-stress.
At SCSU 40% of students choose not to drink. If students do drink, they have about three drinks per week.

As much as we wish we could have a normal campus experience, the reality is that hosting or attending large social gatherings and parties will jeopardize our ability to maintain an in-person campus environment.
If you choose to drink and party, keep these things in mind.
Alcohol Safety & COVID-19
Keep Your Group Small
- Many of the positive COVID-19 cases of people aged 18-29 have been a result of frequenting bars or large parties where physical distancing was not maintained.
- Stick to no more than 10 people and avoid parties and other large gatherings. Large groups of people increase your risk of contracting COVID-19 and spreading it from person to person.
Protect The Pack
- Wear a face covering, wash your hands frequently, don’t share cups or beverages and keep at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others.
- Avoid large groups of people and try to stay outdoors whenever possible. Encourage your friends to do the same.
Have a Plan
- Going out can be fun, but if you’re tired, need to study or just need some down time, it’s okay to stay in!
- If you do go out, know how you’re going to get home before you go out — be it a ride from a non-drinking friend, Uber/Lyft or public transportation.
- Download the Safe@St.Cloud The app features a Mobile BlueLight, Friend Walk and campus safety resources.
Set a Limit & Stick to It
- Bring your own non-alcoholic beverages or consider alternating alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages to control the amount you drink and aid in hydration.
- Avoid mixing prescription drugs with alcohol. This is the most common cause of overdose. If you ever feel pressured to do things you’re uncomfortable with, trust your gut and say “no”.
Take Care of Your Friends
- Know the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning — vomiting, shallow breathing, pale skin color, passing out, etc.
- If you see a friend exhibiting these signs call or text 911 and get help immediately. Don’t assume they’ll “sleep it off” or be OK because they normally drink a lot.
- St. Cloud State has a Good Samaritan policy that offers you protection if you get help for a friend — even if you’ve been drinking yourself.
Consent & Drinking
- Consent is compromised when one or both partners have been drinking.
- Remember FRIES. Consent needs to be Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, Specific
More Safety Resources
Party Goer or Party Thrower?
Whether you choose to host a party or attend a gathering or spend time with friends in a local bar or restaurant, there are tips to keep you and others safe.
Student Safety
Safety is our No. 1 priority. Learn about how St. Cloud State is keeping you safe.
Online Assessments
e-CHECKUP TO GO is an interactive, confidential web survey that allows you to enter information about your drinking patterns and receive personalized feedback about your alcohol use.