
December 1999 Saint Cloud Weather Summary

This Month's Daily Statistics

SUBJECT: Mild and Dry December Caps 8th Warmest Year on Record
December 1999 and 1999 annual St. Cloud weather summary

The mild and dry conditions from November continued into December at the St. Cloud Municipal Airport; however, December was not quite as warm or as dry. Still, the average December temperature of 22.2 degrees was more than 8 degrees above normal. This marks the 3rd consecutive December with well above normal temperatures. In fact, since 1986, only 2 of the 14 Decembers have had below normal temperatures. While 40-degree highs were very common during the first half of the month, the temperature broke 40 three times during the last 6 days and broke record highs on the 28th and 29th.

The warmth elevated the 1999 average temperature to 44.8 degrees, tying 1913 for the 8th warmest year of the 119 years on record. This 1999 reading is more than 3 degrees above the annual normal and follows the 3rd warmest year on record in 1998. The only other consecutive years in the top 10 warmest are 1938 and 1939. As was the case in 1998, the warm reading was mainly the product of a mild spring and late fall, rather than an extraordinarily hot summer.

The December warmth came despite a colder flow from central Canada. However, except for the period of December 20-24, the main surge of arctic air has primarily moved over eastern Canada and the Northeast U.S. Even when we have been "sideswiped" by the colder air, the lack of snow cover has allowed the air to warm up rather quickly.

The predominant northwest flow has continued the very dry conditions. Only 4.5 inches of snow accumulated at the St. Cloud Airport in December, which is about half of the normal amount. This snowfall occurred in three storms during the second half of the month. Each snow event was followed within a day or two by a thaw, giving St. Cloud only 5 mornings with a measurable snow cover so far this season.

The low snowfall and low melted precipitation total again contributed to a 1999 precipitation total which was more than an inch and half below normal. This also continues a recent trend. There has been below normal precipitation in each of the past 6 years; in fact, the total for 1999 is actually the highest of the past four years. On the other hand, we have seen streaks like this in the other direction. As recently as 1982-1986, there were five consecutive years with 30-35 inches of precipitation. Still, the relatively dry conditions have put stress on local agriculture during the past few growing seasons.

As of Jan. 1, the seasonal snowfall is less than 6 inches, so again I have checked the records to find similar winter with similar low snowfall totals. There have been 17 previous winters (of the 100 years on record) which have had 6 inches or less of snowfall through Dec. 31. The average seasonal snowfall of those 17 winters is 28.4 inches, well below the normal total of 45.5 inches. Fourteen of the 17 winters had snowfalls below 35 inches, so the statistics again strongly favor a low snowfall winter.



TEMPERATURE (F)                  DEC 1999         NORMAL
Average high                       31.9            23.1
Average low                        12.5            5.0
Monthly average                    22.2            14.1
Warmest high                       52 on the 29th (broke daily records; see below)
Coldest high                       5 on the 21st 
Mildest low                        32 on the 1st, 29th
Coldest low                        -15 on the 21st, 22nd
Daily records set:               
Record warm highs:                 41 on the 28th (old record: 37 in 1908, 1958,   and 1984)
                                   52 on the 29th (old record: 42 in 1929)
Record warm lows:                  32 (tie) on the 29th (tied record set in 1965)

MELTED PRECIPITATION (in)        DEC 1999         NORMAL
Total melted precip                 .22            .83
Most in 24 hours                    .12 on the 26th
Total snowfall                      4.5             8.9
Most in 24 hours                    2.3 on the 26th
Seasonal (1999-2000)                5.6             16.2




        JAN    FEB    MAR    APR    MAY    JUN
Avg High (F) 
        17.8   33.2   42.1   56.6   69.4   76.3
Normal High (F) 
        18.5   24.8   37.6   55.0   68.4   77.4
Avg Low (F) 
        -0.9   16.8   21.2   34.4   47.3   55.2
Normal Low (F) 
        -2.4   3.8    17.6   32.0   43.4   52.2
Avg Temp (F) 
        8.5    25.0   31.7   45.5   58.4   65.7
Normal Avg (F) 
        8.1    14.3   27.6   43.5   55.9   64.8
Precip (in) 
        .61    .07    0.85   2.29   4.72   3.99
Normal Pre (in) 
        .74    .63    1.41   2.35   3.16   4.60
Snowfall (in) 
        18.4   0.5    10.5   0.8    0.0    0.0
Normal Snow (in) 
        10.1   7.0    9.8    2.3    0.1    0.0
        JUL    AUG    SEP    OCT    NOV    DEC    YEAR
Avg High (F) 
        85.2   78.2   69.1   58.9   49.2   31.9   55.7
Normal High (F) 
        82.6   79.4   69.1   57.4   39.0   23.1   52.7
Avg Low (F) 
        59.9   56.3   45.0   32.4   25.6   12.5   33.8
Normal Low (F) 
        57.6   54.8   45.4   34.4   20.3   5.0    30.3
Avg Temp (F) 
        72.6   67.3   57.1   45.7   37.4   22.2   44.8
Normal Avg (F) 
        70.1   67.1   57.3   45.9   29.7   14.1   41.5
Precip (in) 
        3.84   4.95   2.61   1.35   0.20   .22    25.70
Normal Pre (in) 
        3.38   3.96   3.16   2.21   1.27   .83    27.43
Snowfall (in) 
        0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    1.1    4.5    35.8
Normal Snow (in) 
        0.0    0.0    T      0.5    6.8    8.9    45.5

  47.9 F  1931  38.3 F  1950
  46.4 F  1987  38.5 F  1884
  46.3 F  1998  38.7 F  1951
  46.0 F  1921  38.8 F  1888
  45.9 F  1900  38.8 F  1972
  45.0 F  1938  38.8 F  1996
  44.9 F  1939  39.1 F  1979
  44.8 F  1913  39.2 F  1886
  44.8 F  1999 <--8TH WARMEST  39.5 F 1917
  44.7 F  1908 YEAR ON RECORD  39.5 F 1887
        (tied with 1913)

  29.6 F  1998  -4.4 F  1936
  28.9 F  1987  3.7 F  1904
  27.2 F  1954  4.3 F  1887
  27.0 F  1931  4.3 F  1917
  26.4 F  1882  4.6 F  1989
  25.7 F  1984  4.9 F  1885
  25.0 F  1999 <--7TH WARMEST  5.1 F 1979
  24.6 F  1992 FEBRUARY  5.4 F 1967
  24.2 F  1915  5.6 F  1899
  23.8 F  1983  5.6 F  1923

  ST. CLOUD TEMPS--NOVEMBER  (119 YEARS; AVG = 29.9 F; SDEV =  4.5 F)
  39.5 F  1899  18.7 F  1896
  39.0 F  1904  20.9 F  1911
  38.6 F  1913  21.1 F  1985
  37.4 F  1999  22.0 F  1955
  36.6 F  1939  22.2 F  1991
  36.5 F  1908  22.3 F  1959
  36.3 F  1963  22.5 F  1951
  36.2 F  1934  22.5 F  1996
  36.1 F  1917  23.2 F  1976
  36.1 F  1923  23.8 F  1926

Historic temperature data provided courtesy of the Saint Cloud National Weather Service Office, and NOAA/NWS
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