Academic Collegiate Excellence (ACE)

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was I referred to the ACE process at St. Cloud State?
Students regularly admitted to St. Cloud State typically have earned at least a 21 ACT composite score (980 SAT) or are ranked in the upper 50 percent of their high school class and possess a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above. However, each application is reviewed in its entirety and applicant characteristics are carefully considered. Students who do not meet the admission criteria, but whom the committee feels have the potential to be successful students, are offered the opportunity to be considered for the ACE program.

Will being a part of the ACE program prevent me from  current or future involvement in St. Cloud State activities and programs?
ACE students  are full members of the St. Cloud State campus community and have the opportunity to participate in all St. Cloud State activities, services, and programs. For example, students can attend and participate in varsity sporting events, take  St. Cloud State courses, join St. Cloud State clubs/student organizations and hold leadership positions.

If I'm admitted to ACE, can I be a student-athlete?
Absolutely. ACE students are admitted as St. Cloud State students and can be eligible for Division I and II varsity athletics at St. Cloud State. Students must still be eligible following all NCAA eligibility policies. More information on becoming a student-athlete, connecting with our coaching staff, and the Athletic Compliance Center at St. Cloud State can be found on our Athletics website.

How many students are in the ACE program?
The ACE program  has a limited number of seats available for new students transitioning into the  University. Students who complete their admission steps will be admitted into ACE and St. Cloud State on a space available basis.

Will other students know that I am a part of the ACE  program?
No. Student information is kept confidential.

When do students need to take COLL 150 and COLL 110?
Students will  take these two courses during their first semester at college. Students need to keep in mind that they only have one semester to successfully complete the courses  with a "C" or better and be in good academic standing with the university (i.e. earn a minimum GPA of 1.75 and a 66.7 percent completion rate.  For more details see the related SCSU guidelines.

Will there only be ACE students in my courses?
COLL 150 and COLL 110 courses are designed specifically for ACE students. Your liberal education and major courses (the classes you take other than your ACE courses) will be with all St. Cloud State students. Some sections of selected courses have space reserved for ACE students as part of a learning community.

How many times do my two credit COLL 150 and COLL 110 courses meet per week?
You will meet for each course twice a week for a 50 minute class period.

How can I apply to be an ACE student?
Students cannot  directly apply to ACE. The Admissions Office identifies students to be considered for the program, and then a committee of Admissions and ACE Program staff makes the final admission decision for all ACE students.  

I’ve not met the requirements of the ACE program, what are my next steps?

Students who do not meet the requirements of the ACE Program will be suspended. If a student shows enough success to return to good standing at the end of spring semester, their suspension will be administratively appealed, placing them on ACE probation, where they will receive extra support through an academic coaching course, COLL 199. The objective of the course is to support the student in achieving good academic standing by the end of their first year. Students who are suspended and not administratively appeal may appeal to return to in the next term.  The formal process is outlined in this document: Appeal Process and Frequently Asked Questions. Please contact us at at any time if you are concerned about your status in the program.