Academic Collegiate Excellence (ACE)

Academic Program

A  cornerstone of the ACE program is your enrollment in courses specific to your  admission. All ACE students will enroll in the following courses their first semester at St. Cloud State:

  • COLL  150: Discovering the College Experience (2 credits)
    Explore the possibilities of a university education and work closely with an instructor and peer mentor to create your own roadmap for success in both college and life. This course uses interactive exercises, seminar discussions, guest lecturers and application assignments to study topics of relevance to new students.
  • COLL  110: Reading/Study Strategies (2 credits)
    Discover how to uncover, define and achieve your own best experience of learning. This course helps you structure your resources, background knowledge, memory and curiosity to become a more effective students. Through application of problem solving strategies, study strategies, note-taking and test taking students are better prepared for college course work.

COLL 150 and COLL 110 count for St. Cloud State elective credits.  These credits count towards your semester total for financial aid and full-time enrollment status, as well as toward your overall degree completion plan.

In  addition to your COLL courses, students will enroll in additional coursework through the Liberal Education Program, pre-major/minor courses and/or developmental coursework as determined by placement testing and ACT scores.

Some students in our program will need to complete developmental courses in Math and/or English, which can be taken during your first year at SCSU, including:

  • Math Skills Center  - MATH 070 Basic Math Concepts and MATH 072 Intermediate Algebra
  • ENGL 190 Introduction to Analytical & Rhetorical Writing, with supplemental tutor support
  • COLL 120 Power Reading

The ACE Program director works closely with departments, advisors, and students to support your successful completion of developmental education courses within your first year.