Effective Campus Advertising and Promotion Guidelines

As the community center for St. Cloud State University, Atwood Memorial Center offers limited opportunities and spaces for advertising, promotion, awareness raising, and temporary retail sales, primarily for registered student organizations and university departments. Secondarily, as policy, time, place, and manner permit, opportunities may also be available for non-university organizations and businesses.

Atwood Memorial Center does not necessarily support, advocate for, condone, nor oppose the content posted or items sold within the approved policies and is not responsible for errors in content.

General Guidelines

Reservation Guidelines

General Information Related to Promotional Spaces

Promotional Space Use Policies

Advertising Outside of Atwood

Indoor Space Guidelines

Digital Signage

Displays for Assigned Offices

Displays and Large Posters for University Campaigns/Promotions


Magnetic Sign Holders


Sandwich Boards

Table Tents

Theater Ramp Wall

Outdoor Space Guidelines

Atwood/Centennial Walkway Banners

Bridge Over 10th Street


Displays and Large Posters for University Campaigns/Promotions

Exterior Postings

Sandwich Boards
