Promotional Areas and Advertising
Effective Campus Advertising and Promotion Guidelines
As the community center for St. Cloud State University, Atwood Memorial Center offers limited opportunities and spaces for advertising, promotion, awareness raising, and temporary retail sales, primarily for registered student organizations and university departments. Secondarily, as policy, time, place, and manner permit, opportunities may also be available for non-university organizations and businesses.
Atwood Memorial Center does not necessarily support, advocate for, condone, nor oppose the content posted or items sold within the approved policies and is not responsible for errors in content.
General Guidelines
Reservation Guidelines
St. Cloud State University registered student organizations and university departments may reserve a kiosk, table, or mall area space up to one year in advance.
If the student organization or university department is co-sponsoring an event with an off-campus group, fees may be assessed (see the Co-sponsorship Policy).
To make reservation requests for on-campus groups (registered student organizations and campus departments): Submit your request online in the EMS system for a table or kiosk.
To make reservation requests for off-campus groups (private and non-profit), submit your request via our promotional space page.
For questions on reservations, contact:
General Information Related to Promotional Spaces
Kiosks are 4 x 2 ½ feet with one shelf, two stools, a clip in the front for a poster, and a tack strip behind for posting.
Main Lounge table space is approximately 10' x 10' and can accommodate up to three 6' tables. There is a wire hanger above the table(s) for hanging posters. If you wish to bring in your own display set, it must be kept within the space that is assigned.
Mall Space - If you are interested in a specific area on the Mall, you should note your preference when you make your request. Use of the Mall space shall not block sidewalks, entrances, the handicap ramp, or the Mall Front Porch. Driving on the Mall is not permitted unless arrangements are made ahead of time. Indoor space cannot be guaranteed as a backup when the weather is not conducive to outdoor events.
Promotional Space Use Policies
- The sale or distribution of products/messages that promote violations of University policies, city, state or federal laws, and/or university contracts is prohibited. Specific items that are prohibited in the promotional spaces include: accessories or items that promote alcohol, marijuana, or tobacco use; credit card or debit card sign-ups; and food items in conflict with the contractual agreement with the campus dining vendor.
- The sale of any products bearing the St. Cloud State University official logo or the St. Cloud State University name must be approved by University Communications.
- The volume of any audio-visual equipment must not disturb others in adjacent areas.
- Groups are responsible for removing and storing their materials and supplies. Items left behind at the end of a reservation will be discarded.
- Anyone using kiosk or tabling promotional space is required to stay behind the table/kiosk when distributing materials or promoting and recruiting.
- Cancellations must be made in advance. Unattended space will be given to the next group requesting space. Failure to cancel reservation in advance may result in a fee.
- Per Minnesota State policy, Atwood does not permit users to hold a raffle on university property.
- Atwood reserves the right to make changes to the reservation if needed.
- Atwood will not assume responsibility for any materials and/or equipment left in public areas.
- Groups who violate campus policies may be denied the right to schedule space for future activities.
Advertising Outside of Atwood
Other areas of campus are covered by the campus-wide Display and Distribution of Information policy.
Advertising can be done through Mass Communications and Film. The Chronicle can be reached at (320) 308-3943, or at
Indoor Space Guidelines
Digital Signage
Displays for Assigned Offices
This does NOT include reservable meeting rooms with windowed walls or doors where postings would not be allowed.
- Office Window Displays: Each office is responsible for the content and cleanup of the assigned window space. Any window postings should adhere to the mission of the respective departments and not be permanent or excessive in nature. Window posting materials should not damage the window and must adhere to campus advertising standards and policies.
- Use of Spaces Immediately Outside of Offices: Offices may place one table or a display and an easel (owned by the department) directly outside the assigned office spaces. It is the responsibility of each office to set up and take down the table, display, and/or easel.
No prior approval by Atwood Memorial Center staff is required.
The table, display, and/or easels must not extend more than four feet into the pedestrian walkway and must meet all ADA guidelines for accessibility.
The table, display, and/or easels should adhere to the mission of the respective departments.
The table, display, and/or easels should be temporary in nature and taken down each evening so that the area can be adequately cleaned. Space outside of offices may not be available on specific days when the entire lounge or connecting corridor space is needed or reserved for events.
Displays and Large Posters for University Campaigns/Promotions
University departments may seek approval in the Atwood 134 office to put up banners and displays in Atwood Center for a period of no longer than 30 days. Atwood Administration will approve the location of the banner/display and reserves the right to remove or move the banner/display for operational reasons.
Conferences/events using multiple meeting rooms may reserve up to 20 easels for sign displays, directional purposes, registration, or to identify individual workshop sessions on a first-come, first-served basis. Atwood Memorial Center easels will not be permitted to leave the building.
Magnetic Sign Holders
Magnetic sign holders are available for temporarily hanging overhead postings in corridors. Sign holders are available on a first-come, first-served basis each day through the Atwood Office 134 and cannot be reserved. Postings can only be used to promote (or provide directions for) events on the day of the event. Ticket sales will be considered events. Signs may not be more than 24" in height and up to 48" in width when posted overhead in corridors and must meet ADA guidelines. Signs must not visually block exit signs. Poster board works best in sign holders. Two-sided posters are suggested for overhead corridor postings.
Policy Updates effective November 27, 2023 (changes in italics)
Tack Strips for Registered Student Organizations and Campus Departments
Tack strips available in Atwood Memorial Center are intended for registered St. Cloud State University student organizations and university department events only. There are posting locations on each level of the building. One flyer or poster (which must be dated and have the sponsoring group identified) per event is allowed per posting location. The largest poster size allowed is 11" x 17". Each tack strip has the policy posted. Atwood encourages groups to use recycled or recyclable paper. Flyers and other promotions are discarded/recycled after the date of the event being promoted has passed or if they do not follow university and Atwood advertising policies. Posting is prohibited on any other windows, walls, pillars, doors, and other surfaces in Atwood Memorial Center unless they are a designated posting area or receive temporary approval from Atwood Administration located in AMC 134.
The tack strip on the lower level near the south entrance is for both events and informational postings. This is the only location where flyers can be posted that are not advertising a specific event (i.e., information about a department, facts about a certain issue, etc.). This space is still only for use by registered St. Cloud State University student organizations or university departments.
Tack Strips for Off-Campus Postings
Tack strip space for off-campus postings is available in the northeast corner of Atwood by the elevator and the doors leading into the building. Tables for brochures and literature are available underneath these tack strips. Please hang only one flyer for each event on the strips. The size of your flyer should be no longer than 8.5" x 11". Flyers in other locations will be taken down and discarded without notice.
Gripper Strips and Wire Clips (large posters)
Atwood has three (3) locations to display large posters:
- Gripper strips on the main level (outside the Theater Lounge entrance, across from kiosks). This location is for single event posters within 2 weeks of the event date.
- Bridge area above the main stairwell to the lower level (10 spaces available on the bridge).
- Wall space between the Husky Loft (upper) /Den (lower) in the lower-level dining seating areas.
- The only people allowed to hang or remove posters are Atwood staff.
- Posters being hung must be dropped off at Atwood Administration, AMC 134.
- Posters will receive an approval sticker with a remove-by date before being hung.
- Any poster without an approval sticker will be removed, and the organization/department will be contacted to retrieve their poster.
- The large poster spaces are intended for registered St. Cloud State University student organizations and university department postings only.
- One poster (which must be dated and the organization identified) per event is allowed per posting location.
- Poster size must be between 18" x 24" and 24" x 32". Poster material must be firm enough so that it can be hung by clips and not taped.
- No organization will be allowed to remove another’s poster to make room for their own. If the locations are filled, assistance should be requested from the Atwood main office or Information Desk.
- Posters promoting date-specific events will have priority for the spaces over general posters that are not date-specific, and Atwood building staff reserves the right to temporarily remove a non-date-specific poster to make room for a date-specific one if the event is approaching.
- The gripper strip is for single event posters within 2 weeks of the event date only.
- Posters can be hung on the wire clips for a maximum of 30 days. At the end of the 30 days, the poster will be removed, and the departmental/organizational contact will be notified to pick up their poster. At that time, posters can be reapproved to be rehung or picked up by the department/organization.
- After a poster has been removed in accordance with the removal date, the student organization or department will be contacted and given one week to pick up their poster. If the poster is not retrieved within one week, Atwood Administration will assume the poster is no longer needed and will dispose of it.
Atwood building staff will monitor these locations, and posters may be removed and discarded/recycled after the event time has passed. If an organization wishes to save the poster(s), it must be removed by the organization by building closing time, the day of the event.
Sandwich Boards
Atwood does not have sandwich boards for reserved general use. For those departments that choose to use their own sandwich boards, the following procedures should be followed:
- Sandwich boards set up outside of Atwood should be promoting events in or information related to happenings in Atwood.
- Use of the storm drain grate to secure the board is permitted. Boards should not be secured to any handrails or Atwood building exterior apparatuses (door handles, stairwells, etc.).
- Remove the boards when the event is over to allow space for other departments wishing to use the space.
- Monitor the boards when windy or adverse weather conditions exist and arrange to have the boards set back up once or twice a day.
- Remove the boards before any snowfall so the grounds crew does not damage them with snow removal equipment.
Table Tents
Table tents may be placed on food service area tables only. The following criteria must be followed:
- Campus advertising policies must be adhered to.
- Registered St. Cloud State University student organizations and campus departments are allowed to use table tents in Atwood. Non-university table tents are not allowed and will be removed.
- The event must be on campus and open to all students.
- The table tents must be approved by the Atwood Administration Office (AMC 134) before table tents can be displayed.
- Atwood recommends that table tents be made of sturdy recyclable or recycled paper.
- Table tents can be displayed for a maximum of two weeks, and will be discarded/recycled if expired, or may be discarded/recycled as tables are cleared and cleaned after peak meal times if the table tent is damaged.
Theater Ramp Wall
The lower theater ramp wall/railing area may be approved for use for issues displays after review of the following criteria is met:
- Permission to use the space can only be given by the Director of Atwood after reviewing the request, and is only allowed for registered St. Cloud State University student organizations or university departments.
- Space may only be requested for use to create awareness or dialogue about major campus or societal issues. It will not be granted to promote or advertise events. The display and resulting dialogue must be the event/program.
- Groups interested in requesting the space must present and must email a written plan outlining the issue they wish to raise awareness about, the posting methodology they wish to use, and how they will moderate the public and differing comments and viewpoints that will arise from the display.
- A neighboring main lounge table across from the ramp must be reserved Monday-Friday for a minimum of three hours each day for the duration of the display to allow for interpersonal communication related to the issue being presented. The organization must staff the table, identify their organization, and be available to respond to the display and viewpoint.
- If permission is granted, the following posting methodologies must be used:
- The display must be hung with string, rope, temporary clips, or masking tape on the lower ramp wall or railing. No permanent anchors or other kinds of tape or adhesive material may be used.
- For taller displays that may require hanging at a higher level, the methodologies must be approved by the Director or his/her designee to ensure safety, ADA compliance, and weight capacities are met.
- The display will only be approved for a Monday-Friday period, and cannot go up before Monday morning and must be removed by Friday afternoon of the approved week.
- The display or group members cannot block access or create a safety hazard for Atwood patrons using the main corridor, stairwells, and/or ramp to the theater area. All ADA guidelines for accessibility for the ramp must be adhered to. The display cannot be an obstruction to any programs occurring in the theater wing of the building.
Outdoor Space Guidelines
Atwood/Centennial Walkway Banners
Four (4) windows on the north and south sides of the Atwood-Centennial building connector walkway will be available for use as large banner/poster spaces. Two window spaces are designated for priority use by HEAT (University Programming Board).
The remaining two (2) are available for general use by St. Cloud State University registered student organizations or university departments to promote an event, program, or service. These two (2) general-use window spaces can be scheduled via the EMS system or in the Atwood Administration office (134) on a first-come, first-served basis for up to one month.
Organizations will only be allowed to display professional, computer-generated posters that are 72" x 42" (portrait), which can be designed and produced in Atwood’s Copies Plus area. Approved banners are to be dropped off at Atwood’s Information Desk prior to, or on the day of, the first date of the reserved period and will be hung by designated Atwood staff. Removed banners will be held for pick-up for one week before being discarded or recycled.
Note: In the case that the general-use spaces are not available, student organizations or university departments are advised to contact HEAT to request approval to schedule the last two remaining windows if they are not being used. Drop-off and pick-up procedures are the same.
Bridge Over 10th Street
To hang anything over the bridge that goes over University Drive, contact the Director of Sport Facilities.
The University has developed the Chalking Policy & Procedure for the entire campus.
Displays and Large Posters for University Campaigns/Promotions
University departments may seek approval in the Atwood 134 office to put up banners and displays in Atwood Center for a period of no longer than 30 days. Atwood Administration will approve the location of the banner/display and reserves the right to remove or move the banner/display for operational reasons.
Exterior Postings
The posting of banners on the exterior of Atwood Memorial Center is limited to the following university-sponsored events: Homecoming, Lemonade Concert and Arts Festival, and St. Cloud State University Kick-Off (no commercial sponsorship permitted on these banners). In these instances, the banners must be professionally made with no hand lettering, of durable quality, and no larger than 200 square feet. The location of the banners is restricted to the northeast (mall) side of Atwood, above the South Voyageurs Room window, and must not obstruct the view. The banner will be hung and removed by Atwood and/or University staff and may be displayed only during the actual event.
Sandwich Boards
Atwood does not have sandwich boards for reserved general use. For those departments that choose to use their own sandwich boards, the following procedures should be followed:
- Sandwich boards set up outside of Atwood should be promoting events in or information related to happenings in Atwood.
- Use of the storm drain grate to secure the board is permitted. Boards should not be secured to any handrails or Atwood building exterior apparatuses (door handles, stairwells, etc.).
- Remove the boards when the event is over to allow space for other departments wishing to use the space.
- Monitor the boards when windy or adverse weather conditions exist and arrange to have the boards set back up once or twice a day.
- Remove the boards before any snowfall so the grounds crew does not damage them with snow removal equipment.
The university policy on Use of Outdoor Space addresses solicitation on campus.