Normal Operational Building Hours and Exceptions

The normal operational building hours for Atwood Memorial Center are determined annually, considering the needs and interests of the university community and the operations within Atwood. These hours are balanced within the budget allocated for building operations, which is fully funded by student fees and revenue funds. The normal operational building hours must fall within the yearly budget allocation. Requests for use of Atwood outside of these hours will require submission of a request and may incur a user fee to cover the additional cost of keeping the building open.

Establishing Normal Operational Building Hours

Normal operational building hours are coordinated by Atwood administration in consultation with the areas and operations within the center. These hours are reviewed and approved annually by the Atwood Advisory Council for the following academic year. Differing hours are established for the academic year, summer sessions, and break periods.

Exceptions for Use of Atwood Outside Normal Hours

  • Use Beyond Hours: Groups requesting to schedule activities outside the established normal operational hours will be assessed a user fee to cover the cost of operation and staff coverage. Atwood administration will review the request based on staff availability, event type, public safety needs, and any room rental charges. Late-night or high-risk events require submission of a Special Event Risk Assessment Form.
  • Use During Closed Periods: Requests for activities on days when Atwood is completely closed (such as holidays, semester breaks, and summer weekends) will incur a user fee to cover the operational costs. The fee will be negotiated with the Conferences and Scheduling Office director or their designee. The request will be reviewed for staff availability, event type, safety concerns, and other factors, including room rental charges. For high-risk events, the Special Event Risk Assessment Form must be submitted.

Special Considerations for High-Risk Events

This policy ensures the approval of safe, enjoyable, and financially feasible events that are appropriately supported.


Late-night and high-risk events may involve the general public or a combination of students and non-students, scheduled outside normal hours, or pose a higher risk due to the event type or duration. These events require special consideration and must be approved through a Special Event Risk Assessment Form.

Factors for approval of late-night and high-risk events include:

  • Event type
  • Attendee demographics (St. Cloud State University students vs. non-St. Cloud State University students)
  • Expected attendance (larger numbers pose a higher risk)
  • Age of attendees
  • Time, day of the week, and duration (can the event occur within standard hours?)
  • Potential for high-risk behavior (e.g., alcohol use)
  • Staffing needs for the event
  • Event location
  • Past safety/security issues at similar events

If details change after submission of the Special Event Risk Assessment Form or new risks arise, the event request will be reconsidered, and approval may be altered or rescinded. Sponsoring organizations are responsible for any additional facility use or security costs if the event is approved.

Special Event Risk Assessment Form Procedures

  • The completed Special Event Risk Assessment Form must be submitted at least 30 days before the event. It will be reviewed by Atwood Conference and Scheduling staff, the Atwood Executive Director, and St. Cloud State University Public Safety before approval.
  • Safety and Security Personnel:
    • If St. Cloud State University Public Safety or St. Cloud Police are required, staffing levels will be determined based on the risk assessment.
    • Security arrangements must be finalized at least 14 days before the event. If not confirmed, Atwood reserves the right to cancel the event.
    • Costs for security personnel and related expenses (e.g., canine unit, metal detectors) are the responsibility of the sponsoring organization.
  • Controlled Entry and Exit:
    • Exterior doors may need to be secured after midnight, allowing only exits unless otherwise arranged.
    • Attendees may need to show ID if restricted to certain groups (e.g., St. Cloud State University students only).
    • Wristbands may be required to identify permitted attendees at the expense of the sponsoring organization.
    • Additional security measures may be necessary for cash handling and monitoring of attendee belongings (e.g., bags, outwear) if needed.
  • Facility-Related Needs:
    • The sponsoring organization will be assessed a user fee for the cost of keeping Atwood open and providing staff coverage beyond normal hours.
    • The sponsoring organization will be responsible for any damages to the facility as outlined in General Policies VII - Section D.
  • Behavior and Conduct:
    • Dangerous behaviors, including the consumption of alcohol, illegal drugs, or violence, will not be tolerated. The continuation of the event will be at the discretion of security personnel and Atwood management.
    • Attendees are subject to university conduct guidelines and applicable laws.