Behavioral Health and Counseling
Faculty Achievements
Faculty Achievements
Our faculty also work closely with students to plan and carry out research either where they work or in our research labs. Many present and publish their research.
Featured Accomplishments
Dr. Benjamin Witt’s Research Lab
Dr. Benjamin Witt’s Research Lab centers on three primary areas of research:
- We are exploring the assessment and treatment of infantile colic through a community partnership with Sartell Pediatrics.
- We are conducting translational research in gambling behavior, notably in relation to slot machines and poker.
- We are exploring general process research in the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach.
Of course, we cover every other topic students are interested in, including conceptual foundations in verbal behavior, behavioral analyses of pop music, nutritional decision-making, behavioral cusp analyses, and many more.
- SCSU Behavior Analysis lab. Witts, B. N., Loudermilk, K., & Kosel, D. (2014). Adult samples suggest slot machine and casino characteristics are possible sources for investigating the illusion of control. Analysis of Gambling Behavior, 8, 79-85.
- SCSU and Lazarus Center. Lood, E., Cotton, S., Rudrud, E., & Witts, B. (2014). Reducing errors on progress notes using Microsoft Excel. OBM Network News. 28, 2-6.
- SCSU and UK Young Autism Project. Holmes, E.J., Eikeseth, S., & Schulze, K.A. (2015). Teaching Individuals with Autism Receptive Labelling Skills Involving Conditional Discriminations: A Comparison of Mass Trial and Intermixing before Random Rotation, Random Rotation Only, and Combined Blocking. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. 11, 1-12.
- SCSU and Autism Matters-Minneapolis, MN. Koehler-Platten, K.A., Grow, L.L., Schulze, K.A., & Bertone, T.S. (2013). Using a Lag Reinforcement Schedule to Increase Phonemic Variability in Children with Developmental Delays. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 29, 71-83.
- SCSU and Autism Partnership-Seal Beach, CA. Kassardjian, A., Taubman, M., Leaf, J.B., Edwards, A., McEachin, J. Leaf, R., Rudrud, E., & Schulze, K. (2013) Utilizing Teaching Interaction to Facilitate Social Skills in the Natural Environment. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 48, 245-257.
- SCSU and Autism Partnership-Hong Kong. Cheung, Y., Schulze, K.A., Leaf, J.B., & Rudrud, E.H. (In Press). Teaching community skills to two young children with autism using self-managed activity schedule. Exceptionality: A Special Education Journal.
- University of Minnesota and Midwest Community Development, Inc. Connor, J., Hunt, S., Finsaas, M., Ciesinski, A., Ahmed, A. & Robinson, B. (in press). Sexual Health Care, Sexual Behaviors and Functioning, and Female Genital Cutting: Perspectives from Somali Women Living in the U.S. Journal of Sex Research.
- University of Minnesota. Anderson, K., Rueter, M., Koh, B., Connor, J., Koerner, A., & Damario, M. (2014). Twins conceived using assisted reproduction: Parent mental health, family relationships, and child adjustment at middle childhood. Human Reproduction, 29, 2247 – 2255.