
Team captains have a variety of responsibilities.
They are outlined in the Captains Handbook as are rules on membership, conduct and safety.
St. Cloud State students, staff and faculty, are eligible to participate in the Intramural Sports Program on campus.
Intramural Sports are limited to a specific number of team entries. Leagues will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.
For your team to register for Intramural Sports, you must completely fill out an entry form for the sport and turn it into the Guest Services Desk before the registration deadline. In addition, a representative from your team MUST attend the informational captains meeting.
- The team representative must fill out a complete roster during the registration period.
For your roster to be processed, it must have the participant’s full name and phone number. - All teams must have a team name when the entry is submitted.
The Coordinator of Intramurals reserves the right to censor team names.
Duties of the captain
Each team should appoint a team captain who will be responsible for all matters that concern the Intramural Sports Program.
The individual selected is responsible for the eligibility rules of that sport, the playing rules and the administrative rules of the program.
The team captain is responsible for entering the team for league play and filling out the entire roster, as well as keeping team members informed of the dates and times of all of their team’s scheduled contests (including playoffs).
The team captain is expected to cooperate fully with the game officials, scorekeepers, Program Assistants and office staff in regards to lineups, scores, protests, injuries, ejections, team conduct and any other issues that might arise throughout their participation in the program.
Informational Captains Meetings
There must be a representative from each team present at the informational captain’s meeting pertaining to the sport in which your team has registered to participate in.
If a team fails to have a representative present, they are subject to being dropped from the league, will not be allowed to participate in playoffs and are subject to paying a ‘missed meeting fine.'
At the informational meeting, teams will select what league they would like to participate in.
Rules, policies and procedures will be discussed at all informational captain’s meetings.
Any full or part-time student, faculty/staff is eligible to participate in the Intramural Sports Program, provided that individual is enrolled during that semester/block at St. Cloud State or St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
The number of faculty or staff allowed on an Intramural team is unlimited.
A participant is not eligible to compete in an Intramural sport unless all pertinent information is provided on the official roster.
Participants must participate in one (1) regular season contest to be eligible for the playoffs.
Members of Varsity and Junior Varsity Teams
Members of varsity or junior varsity intercollegiate teams at St. Cloud State (defined as: anyone who is on the varsity roster for the current academic year, including seniors who have used up their eligibility in that school year) are ineligible to participate in that same or similar sport during that sport season.
(Similar sports include volleyball to volleyball, soccer to soccer, basketball to basketball, baseball/softball to softball, football to flag football, and ice hockey to ice hockey).
However, when those sports are NOT in season, members of varsity or junior varsity intercollegiate teams may participate with the following restrictions:
- Basketball — 1 current intercollegiate member per intramural team
- Volleyball — 1 current intercollegiate member per intramural team
- Soccer — 1 current intercollegiate member per intramural team
- Flag Football — 1 current intercollegiate member per intramural team
- Hockey — 1 current intercollegiate member per intramural team
Any individual who is classified as a professional athlete under AAU rules shall NOT be eligible to participate in that same or similar sport in which they competed as a professional for a period of one year after their last professional season.
Only one past professional athlete allowed per roster.
Members of Sport Club Teams
Members of sport club teams are eligible to participate in that same or similar sport providing no more than two club members participate on an Intramural team.
A sport club member is any individual listed on the official club’s roster and practices and/or competes with that club team.
Playing on Two Teams
NO player may participate as a member of two teams in the same sports season. However, a player may compete on one men’s or women’s team, and one co-rec team.
Any player found playing on two teams will be ineligible for any further competition in that sport and the team(s) that the players participated on will be forced to forfeit each game that the illegal player checked in to.
- If the illegal player checked in to more than one game for each team, the team(s) will be removed from the league because of reaching their 2 forfeit limit.
- If that player is found playing on two teams again in any sport for that block, that player will be suspended from participating in the Intramural Sports Program indefinitely. Teams will not be refunded any fees if any ineligible situations occur.
Any Intramural staff, or participant may report the name(s) of any individual(s) found playing on two teams in the same sport season.
Playing With Ineligible Players
NO team may participate as a member of the Intramural program in any Intramural sport season with players that are ineligible.
- Ineligible players are those players who are not a SCSU Student, Staff or Faculty member; who are students/staff/faculty who have been ejected previously and have not completed their reinstatement process; or are any participants breaking Intramural eligibility guidelines.
Any ineligible player found playing on any team will be ineligible for any further competition in that sport and the team(s) that the players participated on will be forced to forfeit each game that the ineligible player checked in to.
If the ineligible player checked in to more than one game for each team, the team(s) will be removed from the league because of reaching their 2 forfeit limit.
Ineligibility Ruling
If you or your team members break any of the above-mentioned rules, the games/matches in which you participated in will be ruled as a forfeit.
What You Need To Participate
No ID = No Play! No Exceptions!
All students, staff and faculty are required to present their St. Cloud State or St. Cloud Tech ID card to the Intramural Staff prior to the contest starting.
In the event that you lose your St. Cloud State or St Cloud Tech ID card, you will NOT be allowed to participate. We will NOT accept a temporary ID, drivers license or any other form of identification.
No ID = No Play! No Exceptions!
Defaults/Forfeits/Rescheduled Contests
If an Intramural team or individual knows that they will not be able to attend a scheduled contest, they are asked to call the Intramural Sports office, 320-308-3923, prior to NOON on game day to report their absence.
If a team contacts the Intramural office prior to noon, the missed game will be will counted as a default, not a forfeit.
Your team will receive a loss, but not a forfeit for the missed game and will not be charged a re-entry fee.
Your team will also receive an ‘A’ for your sports conduct for that missed game.
An Intramural Sports team not ready to play a contest within five (5) minutes of the scheduled contest will automatically forfeit that contest.
In case of an unavoidable delay, the starting time may be extended at the discretion of the Coordinator of Intramurals.
An Intramural Sports staff member will contact your team following your forfeit and alert your team of the reinstatement procedures, consisting of a $5 re-entry fee that must be paid within 24 hours of the forfeit and the fact that your team will receive a ‘C’ for your sports conduct rating for that game.
Once a team receives two forfeits, they are automatically dropped from the league.
Rescheduled Contests/Conflicts
In most cases, the Intramural Sports Office will make up rained out games for outdoor sports unless unavoidable circumstances arise.
The Intramural Sports Office will not accept individual requests from teams or individuals to reschedule contests. However, emergency cases will be considered on an individual basis.
Requests for rescheduled games must be submitted to the Coordinator of Intramurals at least one day in advance of the time originally scheduled. If the request is approved, both teams will be notified as to the alternate playing date. If the request is not approved, the game will be played as originally scheduled.
Conflicts will be considered before the season and playoff schedules are created.
We will TRY to accommodate your conflict to the best of our ability, but will not guarantee it. Your team MUST be ready to play at your assigned game time and date.
Playoffs/Awards/Hall of Champs
At the completion of the regular season, a single elimination tournament for all teams in each division will be played to determine Intramural Champions for each sport.
To be eligible for playoffs, you MUST have played in at least one regular season game. The tournament brackets will be posted on our website.
Your team is responsible for knowing when you are scheduled to play. We will not be able to accommodate scheduling changes once the tournament has begun.
- Intramural Championship T-shirts will be presented to all that win their tournament championships.
- Awards will be given to winners of individual events and team tournaments as well.
- Awards will be distributed to teams at the completion of all championship contests and will be based on award limitations, which have been predetermined for each event.
- All members of championship teams must have played in at least one game to receive an award.
No participant is allowed to participate in Intramural Basketball or Flag Football with pockets in their shorts.
- Participants found with pockets will be immediately removed from competition and will not be allowed to return until their shorts are changed.
- Taping, sewing or turning shorts inside out are not allowed.
- Any shorts with belt loops and tear away pants are also not allowed.
- Shirts with front pockets or hoods are also not allowed.
Any use of profane language at any time before, during or after Intramural activities is prohibited. You will be penalized based on our policies per specific sport.
If at any time your language is directed at an Intramural staff member, you will be ejected from your contest and will follow our ejection procedures.
Liabilities and Injuries
Participation in the St. Cloud State Intramural Sports Program is completely voluntary. Each individual participating in the Intramural Sports Program assumes the risk for any harm or injuries incurred while participating.
Therefore, it is strongly suggested that each individual has sufficient health insurance coverage through their own personal insurance.
All participants will be required to sign a ‘participation waiver’ prior to competing in any Intramural contest. Refusal to sign the waiver will result in not being allowed to participate.
All injuries incurred while participating in the program should be reported immediately to the Intramural Sports Program Assistant on duty. An injury report will be completed for all injuries and will be kept on file.
Intramural equipment is available for check-out prior to the start of the first scheduled contest for each night the Equipment Room in the Halenbeck Fieldhouse.
A current SCSU ID card is needed to check-out all equipment by a team representative.
If equipment is not returned, a hold will be put on that individual’s record, a fee will be charged and you will be unable to register for classes, compete in any further Intramural activities or enter any Sports Facility on campus until the individual has cleared his/her delinquent account with the Intramural Sports Office.
Rules of Conduct/Suspension
Any person, who commits, attempts to commit or aids others in committing any of the following acts of misconduct shall be subject to disciplinary procedures by the Intramural Sports Program.
Team captains are responsible for the conduct of their players and spectators, and therefore are subject to the same disciplinary actions as their players.
- Any player that verbally abuses or threatens an official, supervisor or any other member of the Intramural staff will be suspended a minimum of one game and will be subject to further disciplinary action upon review of the incident by the Coordinator of Intramurals.
- Any player that hits/strikes, attempts to hit/strike, physically threatens, or causes bodily harm to an Intramural employee will be suspended from the Intramural program for the period of time listed under F and will be subject to further disciplinary action upon review of the incident by the Intramural Coordinator.
- Any player that hits/strikes, attempts to hit/strike, physically threatens, or causes bodily harm to another player will be suspended from the Intramural program for a period of one year and will be subject to further disciplinary action upon review of the incident by the Intramural Coordinator. Any severe incidents will warrant suspension of that individual from the Intramural Sports Program indefinitely.
- Any time more than 1 member of a team is involved in a fight that team will forfeit that contest in which the fight occurs and may be suspended from that sport for the remainder of the season or tournament. All team members will be subject to further disciplinary action upon review of the incident by the Intramural Coordinator.
- If a player is ejected from a game, he/she is suspended indefinitely from all Intramural competition, effective immediately, pending an interview with the Intramural Coordinator who shall determine the length of the suspension period. These suspensions may carry these disciplinary actions:
- Player verbally abuses an official or participant – Minimum of one additional game
- Threatening behavior (verbal or physical) toward a player or spectator – Minimum of one month
- Player or spectator makes physical contact in a threatening manner (battery) toward another player or spectator – Minimum of three months
- Threatening behavior (verbal) toward an official – Minimum of six months
- Player or spectator makes physical contact in a threatening manner (battery) toward an official – Participation in the Intramural Sports Program is terminated for your SCSU duration.
The Intramural Sports Coordinator may suspend a participant, for good reason not covered above, from intramural competition.
The Intramural Sports Coordinator also reserves the right to adjust any of the above lengths of suspension as he sees fit.
Any participant, coach, or spectator who is ejected from any Intramural Sport sponsored intramural activity, regardless of the reason, is SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY from participation in all sponsored Intramural Sports events until a petition is turned in and reinstatement is granted by the Intramural Coordinator.
Ejected participants must serve the suspension in the sport that he/she is ejected in and will be suspended from all other Intramural contests (other sports) until the suspension is served in the sport he/she was ejected in.
Individuals who have been suspended and who wish to again become eligible to participate in Intramural Sports Program at St. Cloud State must petition, in writing, to the Intramural Coordinator at the Intramural Sports Office, for a reinstatement hearing within 48 hours of your ejection.
If you choose to not petition at the present time you will forfeit your current eligibility. You will need to petition for your reinstatement to EVER participate in the program in the future.
This petition must be typed and must include:
- A description of the incident(s) leading to the ejection.
- A rationale for actions of the participant/coach/spectator.
- A rationale for why reinstatement should be granted.
- A current mailing address, and local phone number, e-mail address and student ID.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
Alcohol/Tobacco/Drugs are not permitted on St. Cloud State University property. This includes chewing tobacco and applies to all players and fans.
Any alcohol/tobacco/drugs found in these areas will result in Public Safety being called. This is a campus policy and any team found to be in violation may forfeit the remainder of the season. Smoking during outdoor Intramurals is also not allowed.
Also, people thought to be impaired will be asked to vacate the Intramural location. This also applies to fans. Any person not cooperating when asked will cause his/her team to forfeit the game and face disciplinary action at the discretion of the Coordinator of Intramurals.
Upon receipt of the petition for reinstatement a hearing will be scheduled with the participant and the Intramural Coordinator. A supervisor and/or official(s) may also be present. Based on the written petition and reinstatement hearing, a decision will be rendered generally within one working day.
Due to risk and liability, Intramural Sports reserves the right to ask participants to remove any and all head wear during Intramural activities.
Bandanas that are tied in a knot are never allowed.
Hats are not allowed for any indoor Intramural activity and are only allowed during Intramural Softball season.
Technical Fouls (Basketball)
The following situations may result in a technical foul:
- Illegal substitution; subbing without reporting into game.
- Swearing, delay of game, unsportsmanlike conduct, or challenging the officials.
- Swearing: The use of profane language is not necessary and will not be permitted during Intramural Sports activities at St. Cloud State. Excessive profanity is unacceptable and will be penalized. A technical foul will also be assessed to any player that displays poor sportsmanship and/or uses loud, blatant swearing.
- If the swearing is loud enough for the official to hear, it will be called as a technical
- Interference or verbal abuse from the team bench or crowd supporting that team.
- Illegal equipment (Jewelry/Pockets).
Technical fouls are not limited to these situations alone.
- If a player receives 3 technical fouls in the season/league (including playoffs) that player will be SUSPENDED FROM THE REMAINDER OF THAT SEASON/LEAGUE! (Suspension is up to the discretion of the Intramural Coordinator)
- If a team receives 3 technical fouls in the same game (including playoffs) that game will be automatically FORFEITED!
Technical fouls will be recorded and totaled in the Intramural office.
Yellow/Red Cards (Soccer)
Any participant who commits a hard foul/penalty in Intramural Soccer will receive an automatic yellow card. This yellow card will serve as a warning to that individual.
If that player commits another hard foul/penalty, he/she will receive a second yellow card, which equals a red card.
Once a participant is issued a red card, he/she will be automatically ejected and must follow the Intramural reinstatement procedures.
Players committing an act that deserves an automatic ejection will be given a red card and do not have to have a previous yellow card to be ejected.
Mobile Alerts
No weather cancellation decision will be made until 2 p.m.
Please do not call the Intramural office until after 2 p.m. if you are wondering if your outdoor contest will be held.
In the case of inclement weather or if you have any general questions, comments or concerns regarding the Intramural Sports Program at St. Cloud State please feel free to call Intramurals at 320-308-3923. We will do our best to assist you with any and all of your questions or concerns.
Add/Delete and Protest Procedures
In order to add/delete members to/from a team, an add/delete form must be submitted to the Intramural Sports Office by 4:00pm on the day of the scheduled contest. Add/delete forms can be found at the Guest Services Desk and submitted at the Intramural Sports Office at 102E Halenbeck Hall.
You will need to provide the players full name, ID number and phone number. When filling out an add/delete form, all information that is requested must be filled out! If information that is requested is missing, your form will not be processed.
The additional member will need to see the Intramural Program Assistant before the start of their first contest to sign the participation waiver.
Individuals are allowed to drop from their current team and add to another team at any time during the regular season. The individual MUST officially drop from the current team before adding to a new team. The individual must follow this procedure when dropping from one team and adding to another team.
Players are NOT allowed to be added after the regular season is over. All participants must compete in at least one regular season game to be eligible to participate in the playoffs with that team.
The purposes of the Intramural protest procedures are to provide a system of checks and balances for the team waging a protest. A team or individual may not present a protest based on an official’s call. Judgment calls are NOT protestable. Only rule misinterpretations or ineligible participant situations may be protested.
The following steps provide necessary information to lodge a protest and describe the process, which must be followed if there is a disagreement in, or unsatisfactory resolution of the conflict or event.
- Step 1 – The team captain of the protesting team must announce to the official at the time of the incident the intent to protest a ruling. The game will then be stopped, a protest form will be filled out indicating the reason for the protest, time remaining and score. The game will then be re-started and finished and then after the contest, the protest form will be looked over by the Coordinator of Intramurals.
- Step 2 -The Coordinator of Intramurals, after investigation of the facts and viewpoints concerning the incident will make a decision on the protest within 5 working days of the protest. The Coordinator of Intramural’s ruling is FINAL!
Sports Conduct
At the conclusion of all Intramural games/matches, the game officials will rate each team based on the sports conduct exhibited for that game/match. Sports conduct ratings are very important and will be completed correctly and fairly due to the fact that the future play of the team is dependent on the sports conduct ratings that they receive throughout the season. Teams MUST receive a C (3) as their sports conduct average to advance to playoff competition regardless of the team’s record.
The following sports conduct rating policy has been put into place to promote good sportsmanship and to provide for an enjoyable recreational experience for participants, officials, spectators and staff.
A (5) Excellent
Exemplary sports conduct towards participants and officials. Players cooperate fully with officials and other team members and are respectful of opponents and officials at all times. The captain calmly converses with officials about rules interpretations and calls and is in the full control of their teammates.
B (4) Good
No problems with team/team members. Good sports conduct exhibited towards participants and officials. Players are respectful of opponents and officials except for one or two minor instances. Players verbally complain about some decisions made by officials and/or show minor dissension.
C (3) Average
Occasional minor problems with team/team members. Average sports conduct exhibited toward participants and officials. Players were generally respectful of participants and officials but on a number of occasions are disrespectful of participants and officials. The captain exhibits acceptable control over their teammates, but is in control of him or herself.
D (2) Below Average
Continual problems with team/team members. Below average/poor sports conduct exhibited toward participants or officials. Sports conduct needs improvement. One or more player(s) is occasionally/frequently disrespectful of participants and officials. Teams frequently/constantly comment to the officials and/or opposing team from the field and/or sidelines. Abusive language from team.
F (1) Very Poor/Unacceptable
Continual abuse of participants/staff from team/team members.
Very poor/unacceptable sports conduct exhibited towards participants and officials.
Players behaving in a very poor manner towards opponents and/or officials.
Total disrespect toward participants/staff. More than one player is disrespectful of participants and officials on a regular basis or more than one player is regularly disrespectful of participants and officials.
Team is completely uncooperative.
Captain has no control over teammates and/or themselves.
Any/all types of fights/altercations may result in an F sportsmanship rating.
Very poor sports conduct will not be tolerated and will result in a meeting with the Coordinator of Intramurals and Sport Clubs.
Any team causing a game to be a forfeit cannot receive above a C (3) sportsmanship rating for that game.
Any team receiving an F (1) for sportsmanship in any contest will be immediately and indefinitely suspended from competition in any and all Intramural contests until the entire team meets with the Coordinator of Intramurals and Sport Clubs to discuss the conduct that was portrayed in the contest in which the team received an F for their sportsmanship rating. All members of the team, that were present at the time of the F, must schedule a meeting with the Coordinator of Intramurals and Sport Clubs and must all be present at the time of the meeting to discuss their individual and team’s future within the Intramural program.
After the meeting, the Coordinator of Intramurals and Sport Clubs will then determine the length to which the team, or any individual members of said team, will remain suspended from the league. This determination will be given, in writing, to the captain of said team within 24 hours of the meeting.
Also after the meeting, if the team is allowed back into competition, the team MUST receive C (3) sportsmanship ratings or higher [B (4) or A (5)] in EACH of the team’s remaining games in order to be eligible for playoff competition.
Free Agents, Illegal Players, False IDs
Free Agents
All Intramural sports have a Free Agent list. This list is for any participants who would like to play on a team but don’t have one put together.
A participant who would like to be put on this list should to go the Guest Services Desk at the Student Recreation Center and fill out an Add Form – just put FREE AGENT where it asks for your team name. Free Agents are then asked to attend the captain’s meeting for the sport they are looking to play so that they can get picked up and put onto a team at that meeting.
If Free Agents are not picked up at the captain’s meeting, an email will be sent out to all team captains when additional Free Agents come in alerting teams of players that are looking to be added to teams.
Intramurals does NOT guarantee any Free Agents will be added to teams, but our office will try out best to accommodate your needs.
Illegal Players
Any team caught with an Illegal Player playing on their team will receive an automatic forfeit and a ‘C’ sports conduct rating for that contest.
Several examples of Illegal players include:
- A player not on the team’s roster
- A player using a false ID
- A player that is on multiple teams in the same sport
- Too many Sports Club members on a team
Falsification of Identity
Any participant falsifying their identification will be immediately suspended indefinitely from all future Intramural activities and suspended from entering any/all Sports Facilities on campus for 30 days.
This participant’s ID will also be confiscated and held until that participant meets with the Director of Campus Recreation.
The team for which the person checked in illegally will be given an immediate forfeit and an automatic C sports conduct rating.
Intramural Sports is looking for a few good men and women to work as Officials and ID Checkers for many of our sports. Officials and ID Checkers are needed for basketball, flag football, hockey, soccer, softball and volleyball.
Background in athletics preferred, but no officiating experience is necessary. Training will be provided for those wishing to join our Intramural Staff.
Stop after the meeting and ask about joining the Intramural staff!