Teaching Licensure
Applying for Teaching Licensure in Minnesota
All licensing for educators is managed through the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB). St. Cloud State makes every effort to ensure information about educational requirements for licensure or certification is current; however, requirements may change year to year. Separate from educational requirements, state licensure boards may require applicants to complete professional examinations, background checks, years of professional experience, and/or additional training.
Katy Theisen
- Assistant Registrar, Office of Records and Registration
- Teacher License Certification
(320) 308-2111 | AS 118

Kyle Dirkes
- Assistant Registrar, Office of Records and Registration
- Teacher License Certification
How to Apply for Your Teaching License
Whether you’re seeking your first license or returning to pursue a degree in higher education, St. Cloud State University urges you to apply for your Teacher Licensure as soon as you complete the program and additional requirements. After you apply with PELSB, the Office of Records and Registration will verify your program completion, and the College of Education and Learning Design will recommend you for licensure.
First Time License Applicants Without File Folder Number
To apply for your license, you must first:
Complete Your Degree or Certificate
Records and Registration will begin processing degrees and certificates at the end of each semester. Degrees/certificates are awarded approximately 2-4 weeks after student teaching grades are posted. To see if your degree/certificate has been awarded, please visit e-Services > Academic Records > Unofficial Transcripts. Your degree/certificate, major, and the date awarded will show on the top left of the page.
You must complete an intent to graduate or certificate completion form and have the degree/certificate be awarded, before you apply for Teacher Licensure.
Graduate Students should pay close attention to Graduation Deadlines .
Once the above items are complete you are ready to apply:
Step 1: Create an application via the Online Application.
Follow the prompts, selecting the application tier and type that is applicable to you:
- If you have a previous bachelors degree and are seeking licensure during license program enrollment, you must have a job offer from a school district who will apply jointly with you for a Tier 2 license.
- All other initial license candidates will complete the Tier 3 license process.
Step 2: Once your application and payment have been submitted online, you will be issued a "checklist" of additional items to submit via mail to PELSB
- Completed & signed Fingerprint Card (If this is your first licensure) Do not bend.
- Verification of Completion of a Preparation Program (downloadable PDF will link will display)
- District Documentation (if applicable-Tier 2 license seekers only)
- Official St. Cloud State Transcript
Step 3: Select the PDF download of the Verification of Completion form and email the PDF to registrar@stcloudstate.edu.
Please use "Teacher Verification" as your subject, then include what license content area you are seeking (ex: elementary education, social studies, etc.) and your student ID (StarID works as well) in the main portion of the email. Once the Certifying Official is able to review your courses and student teaching information, they will reply with the completed verification document, copy of your transcript, and any additional instructions. Transcripts emailed from the certification officer will be considered official.
Step 4: Once all additional documents have been completed and returned to you, secure the items with a paper clip in the order they appear on your checklist, place them in a flat envelope, and mail to:
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
1021 Bandana Blvd. E Suite 222
St. Paul, MN 55108-5111
Step 5: PELSB will process your application and send you an email with license updates. Make sure your email address is correct on your application. It is highly recommended to refrain from using St. Cloud State email address as this email account will be deactivated six months after you graduate. PELSB processing times vary, but they estimate 30 days once a background check has been completed.
If you have questions, please contact Records and Registration at (320) 308-2111 or registrar@stcloudstate.edu and ask to speak with someone about Teacher Licensure.
Updated: 7/2023
For Those Seeking License During Program Enrollment
To apply for this Tier 2 license, you must meet all three of the following requirements:
- Have a Bachelor's degree on record (Associates Degree for CTE programs),
- Be currently enrolled in a teacher preparation program, AND
- Have a job offer from a district to teach in the field of your preparation program.
Students nearing the end of their preparation program will likely follow the initial or additional license seeker process. This process is typically applicable for students seeking licensure earlier on in their preparation program.
Step 1: Create an application via the Online Application. Follow the prompts, selecting the Tier 2 application.
If you have a license currently, please work with your district to apply of out of field permission or complete the Tier 2 paper application and skip step 2.
Step 2: Once your application and payment have been submitted online, you will be issued a checklist of additional items to submit via mail to PELSB.
- Completed & signed Fingerprint Card (If this is your first licensure) Do not bend.
- Enrollment Verification- letter from SCSU confirming licensure program enrollment
- District Documentation-District Verification of Employment Offer
- Official St. Cloud State Transcript
Step 3: Email your request of enrollment verification to registrar@stcloudstate.edu.
Use "Teacher Enrollment Verification" as your subject. In the body text, include what license you are seeking (ex: SPED: ABS, CTE: Manufacturing, Etc. ) and your student ID (StarID works, as well). Once the Certification Official can review your courses, they will reply with the completed enrollment verification form, copy of your transcript, and any additional instructions. Transcripts emailed from the certification officer will be considered official.
Step 4: Once all additional documents have been completed and returned to you, secure the items with a paper clip in the order they appear on your checklist, place them in a flat envelope, and mail to:
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
1021 Bandana Blvd. E Suite 222
St. Paul, MN 55108-5111
Step 5: PELSB will process your application and send you an email with license updates. Make sure your email address is correct on your application. It is highly recommended to refrain from using St. Cloud State email address. PELSB processing times vary, but they estimate 30 days once a background check has been completed.
If you have questions, please contact Records and Registration at (320) 308-2111 or registrar@stcloudstate.edu and ask to speak with someone about Teacher Licensure.
Updated: 7/2023
License Applicants with Existing File Folder Number
Records and Registration will begin processing degrees and certificates at the end of each semester. Degrees/certificates are awarded approximately 2-4 weeks after student teaching grades are posted. To see if your degree/certificate has been awarded, please visit e-Services > Academic Records > Unofficial Transcripts. Your degree/certificate, major, and the date awarded will show on the top left of the page.
You must complete an intent to graduate or certificate completion form and have the degree/certificate be awarded, before you apply for Teacher Licensure.
Graduate Students should pay close attention to Graduation Deadlines
Once the above items are complete, you're ready to apply:
Step 1: Download the appropriate application based on your qualifications and current tier license from the PELSB website.
Step 2: Request Verification of Program Completion (Section 6) by email to registrar@stcloudstate.edu
Please use "Teacher Verification" as your subject, then include the license content area you are seeking and your student ID (StarID works as well) in the main portion of the email. Once the Certifying Official is able to review your courses and student teaching information, they will reply with the completed section 6 document, copy of your transcript, and any additional instructions. Transcripts emailed from the certification officer will be considered official.
Step 3: Once all additional documents have been completed and returned to you, secure items with a paper clip, place in a flat envelope, and mail to:
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
1021 Bandana Blvd. E Suite 222
St. Paul, MN 55108-5111
Step 4: PELSB will process your application and send you an email with license updates. Make sure your email address is correct on your application. It is highly recommended to refrain from using St. Cloud State email address as this email account will be deactivated six months after you graduate. PELSB processing times vary, but they estimate 30 days once upon receipt of complete application.
If you have questions, please contact Records and Registration at (320) 308-2111 or registrar@stcloudstate.edu and ask to speak with someone about Teacher Licensure.
Updated: 7/2023
Administrative License Applicants
Instructions for Application for an Administrative License
Note: The directions outlined below are for candidates already holding a Minnesota teaching license.
Before starting the PELSB application, you must first complete your SCSU certificate:
You must submit a certificate completion form to have your certificate appear on your transcript. Once this is on file and all grades have been entered, you can proceed with the steps below. Please take note of all Graduate Studies Graduation Deadlines to ensure efficient license processing.
IMPORTANT: The Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) requires a single packet submission for a license application. Therefore, it is crucial to obtain all documents prior to sending to PELSB. Any partial or incomplete submission may be returned to the applicant.
Applying for Licensure:
- Download and complete the Application for a Minnesota Administrative License
- Use the directions outlined on pages 1-3 of the document
- Note that St. Cloud State University will complete section 6 of the application
- Request Verification of Program Completion (Section 6)
- Email registrar@stcloudstate.edu and include the following information:
- Name (include other names used while attending)
- StarID or TechID (if you have it)
- License you are seeking
- Attach completion letter from your advisor and field supervisor
- Include "Administrative License" in the subject
- Email registrar@stcloudstate.edu and include the following information:
- St. Cloud State University will email your verification and St. Cloud State transcript back to you
- Gather items, secure documents in order with a paperclip, and mail to PELSB:
- Personal check, money order, or cashier’s check for $57.00 made payable to “PELSB”
- Completed application (adding in the completed Section 6)
- St. Cloud State emailed transcript
- Email included with verification and transcript
- Original letter from your St. Cloud State Field Experience Supervision the Department of Educational Leadership verifying completion of the program(s) for which you are applying
- If applying via pathway, please include the original letter noting you have met all requirements
- If you have a master's degree from a different university, please include an official (sealed) transcript along with your application packet
Send your application packet to:
Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
1021 Bandana Blvd E
Suite 222
St. Paul, MN 55108
If you have any questions regarding the processing of your administrative license, please contact (320) 308-2111 or registrar@stcloudstate.edu.
Updated: 7/2023
Choosing the License Tier That's Best for You
Minnesota uses a tiered licensure system. Please see the PELSB Website to learn about the specific requirements for each tier.
For Students Who Are Working Toward Preparation Program Completion and Have a Job Offer
Tier 2 License Requirements:
- Hold a bachelor's degree
- In progress of completing an St. Cloud State Professional Education Program, bachelor's or master's level
- Job offer from a school district who will apply jointly with you for your Tier 2 license
Find the Tier 2 application for first-time license applicants and current license holders on the PELSB website.
Updated 7/2023
For Teachers With 3+ Years of Experience as the Teacher of Record
Tier 4 License Requirements:
- Bachelor's Degree
- Completion of a St. Cloud State Professional Education Program
- Currently holding a Tier 4 license OR three or more years of teaching as the teacher of record in the licensure field
This license is good for five years and can be renewed indefinitely by following Minnesota’s continuing education process. Find the application for a Tier 4 license on the PELSB website.
Updated 7/2023
For Teacher Candidates and Current Students Seeking Out-Of-State Licensure
Programs at St. Cloud State University that lead to a professional licensure or certification are intended to prepare a student for potential licensure or certification in Minnesota. While the St. Cloud State programs meet the relevant academic requirements set by the licensure or certification board/agency in Minnesota, they may or may not meet the educational requirements for a licensure or certification in another state. If you are planning to seek professional licensure or certification outside Minnesota it is important for you to know the specific requirements of the state in which you intend to apply for licensure or certification. If you are considering a program that leads to professional licensure or certification, it is important that you contact the personnel with direct oversight of the academic program you are interested in for licensure and certification requirements.
The following links may be used to explore licensure requirements in other states. St. Cloud State makes every effort to ensure information about educational requirements for licensure or certification is current; however, state requirements may change. Separate from educational requirements, state licensure boards may require applicants to complete professional examinations, background checks, years of professional experience, jurisprudence exams, training, etc. If you are planning to pursue professional licensure or certification in a state other than Minnesota, it is strongly recommended that you contact the appropriate licensing entity in that state to seek information and guidance regarding licensure or certification requirements before beginning an academic program.
We also invite students and alumni to email registrar@stcloudstate.edu for help contacting out-of-state licensure boards or verifying that licensure requirements have been met.
Updated 7/2023
Important to Note...
Standards for teaching licensure change periodically and although you may qualify for a Minnesota Teaching License today, additional course work, testing**, or other requirements may be required to fulfill the required teaching licensure standards in the future. St. Cloud State University encourages teacher candidates to apply for licensure upon successful completion of a preparation program.
**As of August 1, 2023 the Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exam (MTLE) is no longer required for candidates seeking licensure by preparation program completion. Please reach out with questions.
Questions regarding the licensing process, or requests for verification of program completion, may be directed to Records and Registration:
Phone: (320) 308-2111
Email: registrar@stcloudstate.edu