Electrical and Computer Engineering
Recent News
- It's Time - Redefining St. Cloud State Universitry: The ECE Programs in College of Science & Engineering develop students' skills to industry specs. Star Tribute (.JPG), SCSU Engineering (.MP4).
- Congratulations! Enanga Fale, an ECE alumni, was recently chosen as one of two final candidates for SWE (Society of Women Engineers) Board of Directors this year, out of a large number of nominees. Enanga also serves as a member of the SCSU ECE Industry Advisory Council (IAC).
- Student Grant Winners: Congratulations! The ECE students won the 2020-21 St. Cloud State Student Grant for their project “Pneumatic Wireless Ventilator” on Nov. 5. Student group: Mohamad Alsadhan, Anjala Rai, and Binit sthapit; Faculty mentor: Dr. Shensheng Tang.
Student Achievements
Selected Senior Design Projects:
- Title: SmartMesh IP Based Thermocouple Mesh Network, by Alex Stangl, Tyler Volkers
- Title: Pulse Profile System for Use with Bioimpedance Analyzer, by Carter Paulzine, Rhyan Manthey
- Title: Health Check Lite 2.0, by Tyler Lahr, Carter Luedtke
- Title: Airborne Icing Conditions Sensor, by Daniel Comstock, Stewart Rinker, Stephen Opificius
Faculty Achievements
- Congratulations to Dr. Yi Zheng (PI) and Dr. Shensheng Tang (Co-PI) for receiving an Industry Grant through Emerson Automation Solutions for a period of three years in January 2021.
- Congratulations to Dr. Shensheng Tang for receiving an SCSU's Faculty Improvement Grant (No. 211208) in January 2021.
- Congratulations! The book, edited by Dr. Yi Zheng, “Wave Propagation Theories and Applications” has reached 45,000 download, mainly from USA.
- Congratulations to Dr. Shensheng Tang for receiving an SCSU's Early Career Grant Award in May 2020 through his proposal titled "Modeling and Performance Evaluation of an Internet of Things (IoT) System for Healthcare".
Recent Faculty Publications:
- S. Tang and Y. Zheng, "Implementation of an IoT System for Environment Monitoring and Remote Web Control using ARM Mbed Cloud and GUI", International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2022 (in press).
- S. Tang and Y. Xie, "Performance Analysis of a Healthcare Internet of Things (IoT) System with Wireless Cloud Connection Failure", International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 161-169, 2021.
- S. Tang, M. Sinare and Y. Zheng, "Design, Optimization and Implementation of a DCT/IDCT Based Image Processing System on FPGA", International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol. 66, No. 4, 2021.
- M. Kamsu, S. Tang, and Y. Zheng, "Design of a SmartMesh IP Network with Wireless Motes and GUI Control", Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 1-20, 2021.
- S. Tang and Y. Xie, "Availability Modeling and Performance Improving of a Healthcare Internet of Things (IoT) System", Journal of IoT, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 310–325, 2021.
- H. Ma, Y. Xie, S. Tang, J. Hu and X. Liu, "Threat-Event Detection for Distributed Networks Based on Spatiotemporal Markov Random Field", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2020.3036664
- S. Tang, M. Sinare and Y. Zheng, "Design of a Real-Time Temperature Monitoring System using PIC to PIC SPI Communication with Multiple Displays and Wireless GUI Control", Journal of Microcontroller Engineering and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 6–24, 2020.