Policies and Processes
For many programs students can select a culminating project as part of the admission process. Before the completion of 15 graduate credits or 50% of graduate program credits, students will meet with a program advisor about completion options.
The advisor selects with the student which culminating project to complete at that time.
Procedural Overview
- Independently select a project advisor/chair and topic.
- Select committee members and select "Update my People" to submit the Culminating Project Committee Approval form to Graduate Studies.
- Prepare a project proposal.
- Verify preliminary conference eligibility and submit project proposal.
- Register for culminating project credits as required (699 master's culminating project, thesis, starred paper, comprehensive exam, project/portfolio). Doctoral students will register for Dissertation credits (899).
- Schedule preliminary conference and distribute project proposal to committee members.
- Initiate the submission of the preliminary committee results by completing the "Submit my Culminating Project Committee Results" form.
- Participate in the preliminary conference. Confirm which disciplinary style guide you will be using to format your culminating project (common guides are APA, MLA, Chicago, or IEEE).
- Revise proposal, if necessary.
- As needed, request IRB (Human subjects) or IACUC (animal subjects) approval for the research. To determine if your project requires IRB approval, follow the steps on the IRB Process webpage. View a helpful video on submitting research to the IRB.
- Consult with project advisor/chair and committee members as needed to complete the culminating project.
- Revise completed work, where needed.
- Attend a formatting workshop or visit The Write Place to ensure you are accurately formatting your project according to the selected disciplinary style guide. Review the School of Graduate Studies formatting requirements for papers submitted to the The Repository.
- At least one semester following the preliminary conference, schedule a final conference/oral examination with committee members at least six weeks before the end of classes.
- Submit one copy of the completed project to each committee member two weeks in advance of the final committee meeting/final oral examination.
- Initiate the submission of the final committee results by completing the "Submit my Culminating Project Committee Results" form.
- Submit an electronic copy of your culminating project to Graduate Studies for preliminary format review if early feedback on formatting is desired (this does not meet the requirement for submission by the listed deadline. Submission to the The Repository starts the official format review process).
- Participate in final conference/oral examination.
- Make all corrections/revisions as directed by your committee. Resubmit as directed by your chair.
- Create an account in the The Repository, and submit one copy of the completed and approved project to The Repository for format review and approval. Review the directions
- Revise the formatting as directed by the format reviewer.
- Log back into your Repository account to Submit the final approved electronic document to The Repository.
- Your project is complete when you have received final formatting approval from The School of Graduate Studies, the final committee project approval form has been received, and your culminating project chair has entered all final grades for your culminating project credits.
Master's Committee Selection
An important consideration is the selection of at least three graduate faculty as committee members.
Your program advisor may serve as a committee member or may help you identify two or three members with expertise or interest in your research area.
Your committee must be comprised of:
- The committee chair (primary advisor for the culminating project) must be an active graduate faculty member from your graduate program.
- The two additional committee members must include an additional active St. Cloud State graduate faculty member from the academic unit or a clearly-‐related discipline. The third committee member may be a faculty member from the academic unit, a clearly related discipline or be a content expert eligible to serve on a committee (holding at least a master’s degree). A content expert who does not have a master's degree or higher may serve as a non-voting member.
University faculty serving on committees must be approved graduate faculty members. Graduate Studies maintains a list of currently approved graduate faculty. See the graduate faculty policy in the Graduate Faculty Handbook.
Submit the "Update my People" form for approval of the culminating project committee at least 20 business days before the preliminary conference meeting. You and your committee chair will receive and email response within 10 business days.
You will meet with the committee for a preliminary conference and for a final conference and oral examination.
Doctoral Committee Selection
An important consideration is the selection of at least four graduate faculty as committee members.
Your program advisor may serve as a committee member or may help you identify a chair and three additional members with expertise or interest in your research area.
Your committee must be comprised of:
- The committee chair (primary advisor for the culminating project) must be an active graduate faculty member from your graduate program.
- Three additional committee members must include an additional active St. Cloud State graduate faculty member from the academic unit or a clearly-‐related discipline. The remaining committee members may be a faculty member from the academic unit, a clearly related discipline or be a content expert eligible to serve on a committee (holding a doctoral degree). A content expert who does not have a doctoral degree may serve as an additional (fifth) non-voting member.
University faculty serving on committees must be approved graduate faculty members.
Submit the "Update my People" form for approval of the culminating project committee at least 20 business days before the preliminary conference meeting. You and your committee chair will receive and email response within 10 business days.
You will meet with the committee for a preliminary conference and for a final conference and oral examination.
Registration and Grading
To register for master's culminating project credits, you will register for the appropriate course in the department (usually 699) and for the agreed upon number of credits. Doctoral students will register for 899 Dissertation credits.
- If the course is not listed in the online course listing, contact the department office or your advisor.
- The credits for this work may be spread over more than one registration period (check with your department).
- You will need to enroll in subsequent semesters until the number of credits required by the program of study are complete or in-progress.
Note: You are required to be registered for at least one graduate credit in the term in which you graduate.
You and your committee chair will outline and agree to the work to be completed in each term of culminating project registration. If you have completed the culminating project work agreed to for that term, the chair can enter a mark of S (satisfactory)
If all of the agreed to requirements are not complete by the end of the semester in which the work was registered, the mark can be reported as a U (unsatisfactory), as an IP (in progress), or as RC (research continued).
- An IP grade remains on your transcript for one year. It becomes an U or F if the theses, creative work, field studies, independent study project, or special course is not completed by that time.
- An RC grade will remain on the transcript until the faculty advisor submits a grade change or until the seven-year timeframe for completing the degree has passed.
- If the student changes plans and graduates with an IP or RC still on their transcript, the grade will be changed to W (withdrawn).
When you have completed the culminating project requirements, including the final defense and submission of the culminating project, the advisor submits a mark of S (satisfactory) or the earned A-F mark in programs where the culminating project uses letter grades.
A master's culminating project must be completed within the seven-year time limit set for the completion of a master's degree.
A doctoral dissertation should be completed within the seven-year time limit set for the completion of a doctoral degree. A doctoral student who is making documented progress may petition for an annual extension until the 10 year time to degree maximum limit is reached.
Master's Culminating Experiences/Projects
Each master's program at St. Cloud State has one or more approved culminating experience/projects listed in the University Catalog. Students, with the support of their advisor, select a culminating experience/project as part of their master's degree program. The required credits to be completed for each master's degree and completion option is listed as part of the program curriculum and included in the University Catalog.
- Program is 30 credits minimum.
- Course number: 699, must register for a total of 6 graduate credits.
- Completion requirements: Requires a committee of 3 approved graduate faculty members, a preliminary and final conference, must use S/U grading, letter grades are not permitted, submission to the University Repository.
A thesis is a document written in support of obtaining a graduate degree. It is usually longer than a research paper and thus completed over the course of two or more semesters. A thesis requires the demonstration of original academic research and evidence of capacity for critical analysis and the application of relevant disciplinary methods. The thesis is supervised by a committee of graduate faculty and an academic advisor; their formal approval of the selected topic, the defense, and the final approval to publish is required prior to the submission of the thesis to the University Repository, the final graduation requirement.
The student, committee chair, and culminating project committee must agree to one disciplinary-based style guide to follow for preparation of the culminating project.
- APA, MLA, and Chicago are the most used style guides. A specific disciplinary based style guide may also be selected and used throughout for formatting, citations, and references.
- Style guides are available through the Library or the Husky Bookstore.
Creative Work
- Program is 30 credits minimum.
- Course number: 699, must register for a total of 6 graduate credits.
- Completion requirements: Requires a committee of 3 approved graduate faculty members, a preliminary and final conference, must use S/U grading, letter grades are not permitted, submission to the University Repository.
A student interested in completing a creative work must show evidence of creative ability to selected committee members before being approved for this option.
The creative work includes a written statement of artistic intent and such supporting materials as are applicable. The statement of artistic intent may contain information such as a description of the work undertaken, the technique(s) involved in the work and related subject matter.
- The student, committee chair, and culminating project committee must agree to one disciplinary-based style guide to follow for preparation of the culminating project.
- APA, MLA, and Chicago are the most used style guides. A specific disciplinary based style guide may also be selected and used throughout for formatting, citations, and references.
- Style guides are available through the Library or the Husky Bookstore.
Field Study
- Course number: 699, 3-6 graduate credits.
- Completion requirements: Requires a committee of 3 approved graduate faculty members, a preliminary and final conference, must use S/U grading, letter grades are not permitted, submission to the University Repository.
A field study examines a problem in educational administration and is completed as the culminating project for the Specialist Degree.
Starred Paper(s)
- Program is 30 credits minimum.
- Course number: 699, may be 0-6 credits for the Starred Paper(s).
- Completion requirements: Requires a committee of 3 approved graduate faculty members, a preliminary and final conference, typically uses S/U grading, letter grades are not permitted, submission to the University Repository.
The content and structure of starred papers is determined by the department. Programs may require one or two starred papers for graduation. Starred papers often include a review of the relevant research and offer constructive and critical analysis of existing theories or viewpoints; or they may be a proposal to conduct research (e.g. first 3 chapters of a thesis); or a creative work including an analysis of its genre. Academic requirements for a starred paper do not generally include original research.
- The student, committee chair, and culminating project committee must agree to one disciplinary-based style guide to follow for preparation of the culminating project.
- APA, MLA, and Chicago are the most used style guides. A specific disciplinary based style guide may also be selected and used throughout for formatting, citations, and references.
- Style guides are available through the Library or the Husky Bookstore.
- Program is 30 credits minimum.
- Course number: 699, may be 1-6 credits for Capstone.
- Completion requirements: Course must be completed with a B or better if letter grading is selected or S if S/U grading is selected. To apply as a capstone, the course must be completed in the final semester.
A capstone project includes the application of disciplinary-based research, or a similar experiential assignment and other work completed for a capstone course. The department determines the requirements in order to receive a letter grade for the capstone course.
Comprehensive Exam
- Program is 30 credits minimum.
- Course number: 699, may be 0-3 credits for the Comprehensive Exam
- Completion requirements: A committee of 2-3 graduate faculty members must be approved to review and score comprehensive examinations; Notification of outcome must be sent in writing to the School of Graduate Studies for each student with student ID included; a student has two opportunities to pass a comprehensive examination, a third is not permitted.
A written examination is designed to demonstrate understanding and integration of learning in the program. It may also be preparatory for state and national licensing examinations.
Portfolio with Project OR Portfolio with Internship/Practicum
- Program is 30 credits minimum.
- Course number: 699, may be 0-3 credits for the Portfolio. Culminating Practicum/Internship uses 644 or 699, may be 1-12 credits.
- Completion requirements: Requires a committee of 3 graduate faculty members and a preliminary and final conference.
A portfolio is a significant professional project, or a portfolio of projects prepared in conjunction with approved graduate courses or internship(s) in the major area of concentration.
Each program determines the format of the portfolio or e-portfolio. Students should consult with the program advisor/committee chair. The department may exercise the right to retain any or all materials prepared for the portfolio or project or require a digital file or permanent link to an e-portfolio.
Portfolios are not required to be submitted to the institutional repository. A portfolio submitted to the Repository for publication must be formatted according to a disciplinary style guide or School of Graduate Studies’ guidelines. The committee must approve the final version of the portfolio prior to publication in The Repository.
Notify the School of Graduate Studies by email if you wish to submit your portfolio to the Institutional Repository.
Additional information and Resources
Doctoral Dissertation
Doctoral Culminating Project
Each doctoral program at St. Cloud State University requires the completion of a dissertation as a culminating project.
- Course number: 899, must register for a total of 9-12 dissertation credits as listed in curriculum.
- Completion requirements: Requires a committee of four approved graduate faculty, a preliminary and final conference, must use S/U grading, letter grades are not permitted
A dissertation reflects the disciplinary knowledge and understanding of relevant methods and theories gained through the program and focuses on a topic of interest to the student that contributes to the body of knowledge in the field of study.
The student must:
- Review the relevant literature.
- Design the study.
- Obtain or develop data collection tools.
- Collect the data.
- Conduct the study.
- Analyze the results.
- Provide a discussion placing the study in context.
The dissertation reflects the knowledge gained through the program and focuses on a topic of interest to the student that contributes to the body of knowledge in the field of study.
Preliminary Conference Preparation
Before you schedule a preliminary conference, you and your advisor/committee chair should review your degree audit through e-Services and:
- Confirm full acceptance into a graduate program.
- Confirm a cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
- Ensure that any program of study customizations have been submitted on the "Customize my Program of Study" form and approved by the School of Graduate Studies.
Committee meeting
Your preliminary committee meeting must take place at least one semester prior to the final defense/final committee meeting.
- It is your responsibility to schedule the conference with committee members and reserve a room or set up a Zoom or Teams meeting. If a physical room is needed, department office managers may be able to assist or to suggest available spaces.
- Two weeks before the meeting, or as directed by your advisor/chair, distribute to each committee member a thesis or starred paper proposal, or in the case of a creative work or professional portfolio, a summary of the proposed project. The committee chair or program advisor will determine the format.
- You will initiate the submission of the preliminary committee results by completing the "Submit my Culminating Project Committee Results" form.
- Each committee member must approve the proposed project as part of the preliminary committee meeting process. Your chair will record any required revisions on the results form.
- Once you have approval of the proposed written project or portfolio with internship or practicum, you may continue with your selected culminating project/experience.
Final Conference, Oral Exam or Final Submission
Final Conference and Oral Examination
A candidate completing a culminating project generally completes the final conference or oral examination during the last semester of their program.
To ensure graduation in the desired term, the final conference should be scheduled to occur six or more weeks prior to final examinations week. This timeframe allows for required revisions, electronic submission and format review and approval. Students must meet all listed completion deadlines for the term in which plan to graduate.
Final oral examinations are required for completion of a dissertation, thesis, field study, starred paper(s), creative work or professional portfolio (with project, internship or practicum).
- It is your responsibility to schedule the conference with committee members and reserve a room or set up a Zoom or Teams meeting.
- Committee members are the same faculty representatives who served on the preliminary conference.
- Two weeks prior to the final conference, you must distribute a final copy of the culminating project to each committee member. The specific format and requirements vary according to the nature of the project.
- The student initiates submission of the final committee meeting/final defense results by completing the "Submit my Culminating Project Committee Results" form.
- A majority vote is required to pass the final oral examination/conference.
- A candidate who fails the final oral examination may, with the approval of the advisor, re-take the examination during the same semester.
- A third chance to pass the examination is not permitted.
- When the committee has approved the research in its final form and the written project is eligible for electronic submission to the Repository for final format review or the final portfolio/project document has been provided to the department, the program advisor or committee chair will approve and submit the form for program director review and submission to Graduate Studies.
Final written comprehensive examinations may be required in addition to a written culminating project at the option of individual departments.
- Those examinations are developed, administered and evaluated by members of the faculty responsible for the graduate program.
- The student initiates submission of the comprehensive exam results by completing the "Submit my Culminating Project Committee Results" form.
Final Submission of a Written Culminating Project
Once you have successfully passed the final evaluation conference, made corrections required by your committee and received format approval through the School of Graduate Studies, the dissertation, field study, thesis, creative work, or starred paper is ready for final electronic submission.
Follow the guidelines for formatting and electronic submission of culminating projects.
If IRB or IACUC approval was needed for research, documentation of review and approval of the research must be included in the appendices of the culminating project.
Completion Deadlines and Graduation
Students and committees may schedule a final defense at any point in the semester and students can complete and submit a paper for format review at any point in the term.
If the final defense is completed; the final revised and formatted paper is submitted prior to the listed upload deadline for the term; the paper is accepted for format review (meets minimum requirements for review); the student is responsive to feedback; and meets the deadline for final approval of the paper in the Repository, the student will graduate in the term of application. Students who defend or submit the paper for format review after the listed deadline will have their graduation application moved to the next available term. The paper will be added to the end of the queue and reviewed following completion of the papers submitted by the deadline.
We accept initial upload of culminating projects; review papers year round; and continue to provide feedback to students outside the standard review timeline. Students will graduate in the term for which they met (or exceeded) the completion deadlines.