Facilitating Expenditures

This Reference Guide will help Principal Investigators (PIs) with their expense processing and compliment other University documentation associated with spending processes and procedures.

As the lead for a grant project, the PI(s) is responsible for initiating spending, conducting spending in accordance with the award, and following the University’s standard processes. Spending transactions and purchasing follow the same process as spending from any University account. Prior to initiating spending transactions, it is the PI's responsibility to verify funds are available in the budget to cover the expense. It is recommended PI’s view and reconcile their budgets on a monthly basis.

A PI can have a delegate, their OAS or administrative support person, assist them with spending transactions.

*Disclaimer: With the transition to Workday, this page is constantly being updated and enhanced as we learn more about new and changing action items in the new system.

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Hiring Employees

The PI is responsible for initiating all hiring and payroll actions, as well as supervision of sponsored project outputs. All personnel must be compensated in accordance with University policy/procedure and job classification, salary/fringe rate and employment regulations for personnel employed on sponsored projects are the same as those established for all other employees of the University.

Sponsored Project Assignments for SCSU Faculty and Staff

Personnel costs for employees working on a sponsored project must follow the associated collective bargaining contract, institutional policies and procedures, and the sponsored project account will be charged the associated fringe/benefit costs. 

PI contacts and works with Human Resources for guidance and instructions for hiring new employees to ensure you are following the current hiring process and procedures at the time of hire.

Sponsored project hires follow the standard position classification and salary setting processes of the associated collective bargaining contract.

Action steps:

  1. PI and employee (if someone other than the PI) must have the work assignment reviewed and approved by the employee's direct supervisor PRIOR to beginning sponsored project effort. 
    • Not all employees are eligible for additional pay since collective bargaining contracts have different criteria.
    • Often there is significant time between the proposal and implementation so the supervisor will reevaluate an employee’s workload at the implementation stage to determine if/how the associated work will be assigned.
  2. Principal Investigator (or their delegate) submits sponsored project assignment details to RSP via the Compensation Request for Sponsored Projects.
    • Details to be submitted include project, account number, employee name, dates and time for associated assignment, description of work assigned (including if the assignment is on or offload).
    • For audit purposes, the details submitted through online sponsored project assignment will be retained with the award file.
  3. Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) reviews request to verify work alignment and expense is allowable and in alignment with award to SCSU.
    • Upon conclusion of the review, RSP will return/provide written approval of sponsored supported assignment to stakeholders. 

Important notes:

  • The employee’s supervisor is the final decision-maker for work assignment request.
  • If sponsored paid assignments are processed and paid without RSP’s review and later deemed unallowable, the expense becomes a financial liability of the originating school/college/area.

Hiring Students

The PI is responsible for initiating all hiring and payroll actions, as well as supervision of all undergraduate and graduate students working on the grant project. Students being paid by a grant project must be approved to do work and have work authorizations prior to work beginning.

Action Steps:

  1. PI (also known as supervisor) reviews hiring handbook Student Employment Handbook 
    • Students paid hourly through student payroll. Students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week when classes are in session and 40 hours per week during university breaks. Total hours per week is in inclusive of all work assignments the student may have on campus.
  2. PI (and project team) prepares the position description, advertises position (Handshake recommended), and interviews candidates.
  3. Once a qualified candidate is selected, PI references associated Handbook to proceed with their hiring steps: 
    • Complete offer letter and acceptance process
    • Have student complete hiring paperwork (I-9, W-4, etc.)
    • Create work authorization, PRIOR to hours being worked 
      1. Student employment; setup work authorization in ISRS
        • PI can email Mark Wegge to get their delegate access to the student payroll for their award
  4. Once authorized, students will need to submit timesheets for approval by the PI (supervisor). Student timesheets must be reviewed and approved by the PI or supervisor having direct knowledge of the student’s work assignment, time work and work outputs/products.

Hiring Graduate Assistants

Graduate Assistantship appointments are defined are prescribed appointments with specific employment requirements and parameters, see Graduate Assistantships website for more information. 

The Graduate Assistant must have an additional work authorization through ISRS to be hired as an hourly employee during breaks or over the summer months. See Student Employment Handbook and hourly employment above.

Other Student Hire Resources:

Hiring Consultants/Contractors/Subawards

Sponsored projects often require experts from outside of the University, and an associated contract for work or services must be authorized and fully-signed before work begins.

Action steps:

  1. PI completes and submits an Independent Contractor/Employee Status Form to Human Resources (HR) for contractor/employee status determination.
    • For subawards, work with Research and Sponsored Programs to get the subaward drafted.
  2. PI requests State of MN Vendor # and a copy of contractor/subawardee Certificate of Insurance
    • Both are required for all common contract types
  3. PI (or their delegate) creates a requisition in Workday and submits for review/approval 
    • Once the requisition is approved, the PI (or their delegate) is notified with the requisition #
  4. PI (or their delegate) contacts Purchasing to share the requisition # and work with them to draft appropriate agreement
    •  To draft subawards, please work with RSP

Three Common Contracts

1. Independent Service Agreement
SCSU pays another party for goods or services.

  • Less than $3,000.00
  • No expense reimbursement
  • One time payment

2. Professional/Technical Contract (SCSU003)
SCSU pays another party for goods or services.

  • More than $3,000.00 and/or reimbursement of expenses

3. Subaward
SCSU has agreed to serve as the pass-through entity for a sponsored project.

  • Subaward determination required, prior to proposal
  • Upon award, work with RSP to get a subaward setup

Other Contract Resources:

Business and Travel Reimbursements

Business and travel expense reimbursement is the process by which the University reimburse their employees for approved business and travel expenses. Sales tax is not reimbursable.

Travel Expense Action Steps:


  1. PI (or delegate), logs in to Workday and Creates a Spend Authorization (instructions here).
  2. PI obtains approval for travel by completing the Travel Authorization Form and obtaining necessary signatures. This form must be completed 10-15 days prior to making travel arrangements. The spend authorization number should be indicated on this form.
  3. Once approved, the employee can proceed with the approved expense and make travel arrangements. Keep all receipts, paid invoices, and documentation


  1. PI (or their delegate) creates an Expense Report in Workday to initiate reimbursement. Any receipts, paid invoices or other documentation will need to be attached to the expense report – including the fully signed travel authorization.
    1. Expense reports require multiple review/approval steps.
    2. Submit reimbursements within 60 days of the transaction date. If this timeline is missed, the expense will be considered taxable per MinnState policy.
    3. Reimbursements/advances are included in the employee's paycheck. Because they follow the payroll cycle, allow three to four weeks for processing.

Non-Travel Expenses

  1. PI (or their delegate) creates an Expense Report in Workday to initiate reimbursement. Any receipts, paid invoices or other documentation will need to be attached to the expense report.
    1. Expense reports require multiple review/approval steps.
    2. Submit your reimbursements within 60 days of the transaction date. If this timeline is missed, the expense will be considered taxable per MinnState policy.

Note: Reimbursements/advances are included in the employee's paycheck. Because they follow the payroll cycle, allow three to four weeks for processing.

Additional business/travel reimbursement resources:

Direct Purchasing of Supplies and Materials

When you purchase supplies and materials directly from a vendor or supplier, the University can pay the supplied directly for allowable expenses. 

Action steps:

  1. PI verifies funds are available in the grant project budget to cover the expense.
  2. PI works with their OAS or administrative support person to facilitated a direct purchase
    • Whenever possible, we recommend using a SCSU p-card as expenses can be charged directly to the associated grant project budget
    • Purchase Orders are another option of ordering if the vendor is in the Workday system.

Important Note: It can take days, or even weeks, for a pending P-Card transaction to post to your sponsored project budget. Keep this in mind as you monitor and reconcile your budget.

Additional purchasing resources:

Other Expenses

Gift Card Policy
SCSU policy regarding gift cards must be followed per university guidelines.

Special Expenses
The Workday Spend Authorization process replaces the Special Expense form. It is required for out-of-state travel, international travel, activities including student activities (catering, trips, transportation rental, etc.), food, tickets, etc. Special Expense forms are no longer required.

Scholarships for student tuition
To award tuition remission to undergraduate or graduate students (ONLY those graduate students without a Graduate Assistantship), a scholarship is processed through the Financial Aid Office and the sponsored project is charged for the accompanying tuition charges. 

Action Steps:

  1. PI completes and processes the following two forms:
    1. Financial Aid/Foundation/Department Scholarship Notification Form
      • Complete student name and tech ID
      • “Department awarding the scholarship"
      • “Scholarship Name” enter Account Number and Account Name (i.e. 628711 - NSF Grants)
      • “Business Office #” enter 424242
      • “Department Account #” enter grant account number
      • Complete “total amount,” “academic year,” “disbursement,” “contact Info,” route to responsible person on the account to sign
      • Keep a copy and send original to Financial Aid Office, AS106
    2. PR1400 form to move funds from grant to the scholarship fund
      • Indicate amount to be paid
      • Vendor is St. Cloud State University
      • Indicate on the PR1400 form the student awarded the scholarship and reference Research and Sponsored Programs Grants Scholarship account 424242
      • Use grant account number and object code 7104
      • Responsible person on account signs the form
      • Attach a copy of the Financial Aid/Foundation/Department Scholarship Notification Form
      • Keep copies and route original PR1400 and attachments to Business Office, AS-123

Additional Resources