Student Government

Internal Committees

Internal committees operate under the leadership of Chairs that are appointed by the President; each internal committee is assigned 2-3 senators to work on a variety of projects that relate to that internal committee’s mission. Internal committee meetings are open for any student to attend. For committee meeting times, please contact the committee chair.

Academic Affairs Committee

The mission of the committee is to better academic affairs and policies for students, and to educate the student body of options and opportunities to ensure their academic success during their time at St. Cloud State University

Campus Affairs Committee

The mission of the committee is to critically analyze the what the campus of St. Cloud State University provides to students and generate new and innovative ideas for what the common student wants or needs. This committee will also address student concerns in regards to areas such as but not limited to campus food services, maintenance, or residential life.

Cultural Diversity

The mission of the Cultural Diversity committee is to serve as a liaison between Student Government and the Cultural Student Organizations and Student of Color Population. The Cultural Diversity chair is elected through Cultural Organization Council.

Judicial Council

The Judicial Council exists as an impartial agency through which the student association members may receive equitable treatment from their peers, faculty, and staff, and to preserve any students rights under the Student Association Constitution. Judicial Council operates under the guidance of the Chief Justice and is available to serve as an unbiased perspective on any code of conduct violation within Student Government or any student organization. To serve on judicial council, please fill out an application!

Legislative Affairs Committee

The mission of the committee educate the senate and put forth ideas about internal and external affairs. The committee shall also address and educate others about student issues, take action and put them into legislation.

Public Relations Committee

The mission of the committee is to create internal and external transparency. The committee will serve as public relations for our organization.

Student Constitution Committee

The mission of the committee is to create, edit, and revise our student constitution, bylaws, operating documents, and parli code. The committee shall also educate our senate and the student body of their legal rights as students.

Student Services Committee

This mission of this committee is to identify what services students desire to keep or have on campus. The committee educates the general student body on what their student fees are funding and provides resources so students can better utilize the services. Additionally, they focus on the promotion of Student Legal Services.

Urban Affairs Committee

The mission of the committee is to serve as a bridge between students of St. Cloud State university and the community of St. Cloud. This committee shall educate the senate and student body about issues and opportunities we have as citizens of this community.