WCMS (Cascade) Documentation

Uploading Files (Documents & Images)

All sites will have a “files” folder with two subfolders named “documents” and “images”. Within these subfolders, you may see additional subfolders set up to further help with organizing files.

If you need to create a new subfolder to organize documents and images, please follow these steps:

  • Click on “Add Content” in the top ribbon menu. A fly-in menu will populate.

    add content button

  • Click on the “SCSU Sub Sites” folder in the fly-in menu.

    subsites menu option

  • Select the “Folder” option.

    folder selection option

  • Give the folder a name while following our standard naming convention.

    folder name field

  • Click the button under the “Placement Folder” section and browse to the location where you want the folder to be created. It must go under “documents” or “images”.

    placement folder button

  • Once done, click on the “Choose” button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

    choose button

  • In the “Display Name” field, give the folder a user-friendly name, such as “Newsletter Archive”.

    display name field

  • Click on the “Submit” button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

    submit button

  • The spell-check will run. If there are no spelling errors, click on the checkmark icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.

    checkmark button

If you are ready to upload a document or image, please follow these steps:

  • First, please ensure the file that you will be uploading is following our standard naming convention.

    • Additionally, if you are uploading a PDF document, please ensure that the text within the PDF is selectable and searchable (there should be no "flattened" text anywhere on the PDF).

  • Click on “Add Content” in the top ribbon menu. A fly-in menu will populate.

    add content button

  • Click on the “SCSU Sub Sites” folder in the fly-in menu.

    subsites menu option

  • Select either “Document” (for PDF files) or “Image” (for JPG and PNG files).

    document upload option
    image upload option

  • Click the button under the “Placement Folder” section and browse to the location where you want to upload the file. It must go under “documents” or “images” or in a subfolder under “documents” or “images”.

    placement folder

  • Next, you can either drag and drop the file from where it has been saved on your computer (usually the desktop or a network folder) into the “drop file(s) here” box. Or, you can click on the “choose” hyperlink in the same box and browse to where the file is saved.

    file upload area

  • After you do this, the file name will automatically be populated in the “File Name” box. You may change this if you wish, but you will still need to follow our standard naming convention.

    file name box

  • Next, click on the “Preview Draft” button to save the document as a draft.

    preview draft button

  • Click the “Submit” button.

    submit button

  • Click the “Check Content & Submit” button. This will check for spelling errors in the file name only. If you are uploading documents and spot a spelling error in the document, you will need to click on the “Edit” button and replace the document with a new one.

    check content and submit button

  • If there are no spelling errors, click on the checkmark icon to submit the draft.

    checkmark button

  • Follow the steps outlined in the workflow process. Files will not show up in the site hierarchy until they have been approved via the workflow. If you know that you will be editing a page that has updated or new file references, you should be uploading the files first before editing the page.
  • Once they are approved, you may proceed with linking the document or applying the image in a page.

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