Admission Requirements

The Applied Behavior Analysis M.S. selection committee prefers recommendations by board certified behavior analysts and faculty from whom a candidate has taken courses.

The committee also accepts recommendations from a candidate’s immediate supervisor provided he or she is able to attest to the candidate’s aptitude for graduate training. While the strength of a candidate’s clinical skills will be of interest over time, clinical skills alone are not necessarily tied to one’s ability to successfully complete graduate school.

Relevant work experience involves the development and implementation of behavior analytically-based interventions.


Relevant academic experience includes credit and non-credit instruction in the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis. Non-credit courses, workshops and conferences also reflect well on an application but are not given the same weight as credit courses.

For the Psy.D. program, candidates should have demonstrated evidence of clinical work and scholarship and research and recommendations should attest to a candidate's aptitude for doctoral training.

For both programs, competition for limited places may require the necessity of a wait list. The wait list decision day is May 15. 

Application Timeline

Priority application: Oct. 1-Feb. 15

Application Portal Opens: Applications may be submitted for priority consideration (due by February 15)

Admissions decisions and secondary consideration applications: Feb. 15-April 1

The ABA Admissions Committee will review priority consideration applications and determine admission to program, waitlist status (rank based on application), and any denials of admission.

Students may submit applications for secondary consideration (due by April 1) where the ABA Admissions Committee will either:

  • Waitlist, ranked after all priority consideration waitlist applicants
  • Deny admission

Students application decisions/Waitlisted students contacted: April

Admitted Students will receive either an accept admission offer or a reject admission offer. If rejected, the next student on the waitlist will be offered this spot.

Because waitlist students are waiting, please let the Admissions Committee know if you will not be accepting the admission

Complete by May 1; can be completed sooner.

Admission Decision Deadline: April 15

This is the final day to accept an offer of admission. If an offer is not accepted, it will be automatically denied and any remaining spots will be opened to waitlist applicants.

Welcome to the program and next steps: April 20-May 1

Incoming students will receive a welcome packet and next steps will be clarified.