Biology programs share several research spaces where a diversity of undergraduate, graduate, staff, and faculty researchers can explore and develop skills in the biological sciences.
Morphological and Wet Lab Facilities
Multiple lab spaces exist within Wick Science Building that facilitate work with preserved specimens across the tree-of-life, skeletons, and fossils. These facilities are equipped with white light and fluorescent imaging and have stereo and compound microscopes for specimen preparation, illustration and imaging.
Imaging Facilities
Lab spaces focused on imaging micro and macroscopic organisms exist throughout Wick Science Building and include white light and fluorescent imaging with various camera and lighting setups. Some facilities are equipped with imaging light boxes, copy stands, and various camera mounts. Advanced scanning electron microscopes and transmission electron microscopes are available for use in ISELF.
Molecular Genetics Facilities
Various lab spaces are in Wick Science Building where researchers conduct state of the art genomic analyses related to the study of human disease and physiology, evolution of organisms across the tree-of-life, gene expression, population genetics, conservation, and evolutionary relationships. A shared-core facility is in ISELF 320. These laboratories offer equipment and resources needed for cutting edge genetic and genomic analyses, including polymerase chain reaction amplification, DNA extraction from a variety of organisms, genomic library preparation, quantification of DNA, and fragment analysis.
Collections Facilities
Dedicated lab spaces for the storage of zoological, phycological, and botanical specimens are located in Wick Science Building, including a herbarium with an important regional collection.
Greenhouse Facilities
The greenhouse includes multiple climate-controlled rooms that are used for courses and research at St. Cloud State University. The greenhouse is also instrumental in working with the SCSU Community Garden.
Learn more about the greenhouse
Herbarium Facilities
The St. Cloud State University herbarium is an archive, much like a library or a museum, containing thousands of specimens that serve as primary data sources that document plant species and metadata, primarily from central Minnesota.
Learn more about the herbarium
Histology Facilities
Dedicated lab spaces in Wick Science Building and ISELF are used for teaching and research associated with histological techniques for our
Histotechnician Certificate. These facilities include a wide range of tools and equipment for specimen mounting and microtomes.
Anatomy and Physiology Facilities
Students and faculty use our cutting-edge facilities for anatomical dissections and observations of human anatomy and physiology. This includes cadaver-based instruction as well as models.
Microbiology Facilities
Various lab spaces exist in Wick Science Building and ISELF to facilitate students and faculty in classrooms and research related to microbiology. These include multiple BSL lab spaces designated for specific research purposes.
Vivarium Facilities
Animal care spaces are in Wick Science Building and in ISELF and include state of the art facilities for live-animal care following approved Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee protocols. These facilities are used in immunological and physiological studies at SCSU.